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Porn and the Bible belt

My buddy just drove to Florida and when he entered the Bible belt all sorts of billboards of porn shops and men's clubs started popping up. Is there a correlation with god and porn, or is it education?


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Arasmuson 6 Dec 15

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Both of those things driven by $ and hypocrisy. And the current administration of course.


male chauvinism at its best. almost all religions repress and even degrade women


I would say that it is more a correlation between porn and the repression of sex and sexuality by the churches.


It's human nature to want to push boundaries and do things you are not supposed to do. With that in mind, assuming it is of the legal variety, there really is no harm in it. I think this is why it is so popular in the Bible Belt. It is forbidden fruit and is totally legal to view.

I think this is one big difference between atheists/the left vs. Christians/the right. The left acknowledges that people are imperfect and will give into things like this. For this reason, it isn't that big of a deal. The religious right try to act like they are morally superior and look down on the liberties of the left as if we are inferior to them. For this reason, I do love the irony when a very outspoken religious person gets busted for porn, gay porn, gay affairs or affairs in general.

@SilverDollarJedi Perhaps not in all aspects of life, but at least when it comes to sex, I do think there is an appeal to forbidden fruit - in this case, porn for someone who has been told they should not look at women in a sexual manner. Heck, think about how many married people have probably fantasized at least one time about an affair. Of course, most would never do it, but I think if you've been married long enough then the thought has at least crossed your mind as an innocent fantasy because it is exciting and forbidden.

I have seen studies about negative effects of porn too. I suppose to a degree it may have skewed my perception of love and sex but then again, I experienced most of the things I enjoy sexually today before internet porn was popular.




I lived in Huntington WV for a time and noted that the town was also confused as to its morals. For every two churches, there were three bars or nightclubs and one massage parlor. For the buckle of the bible belt, it was a strange mix for a Jewish kid from NYC.

I wonder why.


When someone or something says something is wrong people tend to gravitate towards that thing. In this case Christians say porn is wrong so people seek ways to it. It's the danger. Or is it Christians are rubbish in bed so never feel satisfied?

Love the out fit. May the force be with you. joking 🙂

Live long and prosper.


Money, and hypocrisy. There's a lot of money in porn, and there are a lot of religutards who benefit from that. Think about the town councils and county commissions, and the backgrounds of the people who sit on them. They are the ones who have to approve, or not approve, zoning, permits, and all the other attendant fees and taxes that go along with such businesses. They are the ones who determine if their cities and counties will allow such businesses to operate. They campaigned for their offices, more often than not, touting their religious affiliations. Therein lies the hypocrisy. And don't think there aren't kickbacks. So yeah, money and hypocrisy. There's more than enough of that to go around in the South.


Hey fellows I'm sure that Jesus kept a couple of playboy mags under his straw mattress himself🙂

haslr Level 3 Dec 15, 2017

Just part of the hypocrisy.

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