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Has anybody else lost family members over their beliefs?

I had a cousin once, we were inseparable, i thought. We grew up very close, we even lived together at one point. We used to do everything together, but then, something happened. I'm not sure if it was his new girlfriend, or he had some personal revelation or whatever but, one day he just went full god mode on me. He tried to convert me at first, but when I sat down with him to talk about it, it was clear I wasn't changing my position for him. I tried my very best to explain the origins of religion, the logic behind it, the history, the anti scientific claims, the fact that Christianity was mostly plagiarized from other, older religions, but he basically just plugged his ears and went, "lalalalalala!" Whatever, I'm not one to try to de-convert anybody, if you are happy with your beliefs, hey, fine with me. But it was clear that he thought since I called Christianity ridiculous, he thought I was calling him ridiculous. After that, our talks became fewer and farther between. Fast forward to today, I have a son, and he has 2. I've told him on numerous occasions that i wish for us to put this silly nonsense behind us so our children can grow up together like we did, it was some of the best times of my life. But he still refuses to let my 3 year old play with his kids for fear of converting them to atheism. No more birthday invites, no more family get togethers. It truly saddens me to this day to think of what we had, and what was lost over something so stupid. This to me is the true horror of religion.

Jables 4 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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