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LINK Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies. | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville - YouTube

Daryl Davis is a man with an extraordinary idea. He should be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize.

EdEarl 8 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Truly inspirational, I've read about this story before but never heard him speak. THANKS


Gotta watch this later, but busy today


Movie is awesome, Daryl Davis as well


I highly suggest you watch his documentary on Netflix.

And an interesting note: in the film there is a tense scene with Daryl and a leader of the Black Lives matter group. It's tense and the BLM leader walks off refusing to have a discussion.... A few months later I learn that as Daryl does, he kept requesting a conversation with the BLM leader, they did end up talking, and now they are friends. (I learned this from Daryl directly)

zards Level 1 May 21, 2018

Welcome to, enjoy. I will watch that one.


Superb, and completely logical. That's my opinion as a Kenyan from "white" stock but with an African heart.


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