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With the new technology that is available to car manufacturers should these features be standard on every car and not options.

Marine 8 May 21

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What technology might you be referring too?

Automatic braking, speed control, blind side indicators, lane controllers, sleepy eye wake up buzzer


Unfortunately, most people can't afford high technology....

That why it should be standard. I can remember when turn signals were an option and air conditioning, power steering. Now all of these are stardard in most cars.


I want vent windows back. Low tech is good too.

jeffy Level 7 May 21, 2018

I loved those.

i was just talking about that


If the manufacturers started making vent windows again they wouldn't be selling as many $2000 A/C options.


They care nothing for your safety, only for $profit.



I cannot understand why they would not take advantage of this technology for the safety of all drivers. It isn't like they are giving it for free, they are going to charge for it.

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