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Flat Earthers

Do very many people actually believe the earth is flat, or are most flat earthers just trolling us?

pan_heathen97 7 May 21

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The existence of flat earthers indicate how evolution can be so slow for certain sections of population!


Yip,and the have members all over the globe.

Coldo Level 8 May 22, 2018

Most likely just trolls.


These people are legitimately out there. I've argued with a number of them on the internet. From the people I've experienced they aren't kids trolling people, they are guys in there 30's and 40's convinced there is a massive global conspiracy.


Eclipse deniers. ???


Unfortunately, they are all too real in their fantasy.


Yup, people do believe that nonsense. They recently had a convention.


Fear the pushbroom of the apocalypse! Your salvation can only be found by jumping over. Blessed are those baptized by the chemtrails, for they are dear to our Reptilian Overlords.


Of course not, if it was flat the cats would have knock everything off of it by nòw !


I wonder the same thing about chemtrailers, truthers, birthers, and moon landing nuts

I think I just have to conclude there is an uncomfortable amount of insanity out there.


They're idjits.


I'm with Columbus actually. He believed it was shaped like a pear...

But seriously, no. The vast majority of flat earthers do it to troll.

I hope.


Ofcource not! Everyone knows it's round, like a plate

That reminds me of the Bugs Bunny cartoon. The Earth she's a round like a pizza and the whacks him on the head and says The Earth she a flat, a like a your head! Something like that, anyway.

@farmboy2017 I actually stole it from Flip Wilson. It was part of one of his earliest stand ups. I believe he did it on the Johnny Carson show

@steve148 I had forgotten about Flip Wilson! Might have to check him out and see if there's anything on YouTube.

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