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I really want to know why people have problems with the LGBTQ community? Why do people fear that others will be who they really are?

Janepaige11 3 Dec 16

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Because to the closed minded and weak willed anything different from them is terrifying


I honestly never realized why people had an issue with it, either. It's not hurting anyone. It doesn't ruin anyone's day for them to know you also like the idea of making out with women, unless men liked the idea of you making out with them more (selfish dickheads, lol). I mean I get it. I'm straight, I love women. I can see why other women would like women, too. It's not that hard to understand, lol. The only ones who hate the LGBTQ community are those holier-than-thou assholes who feel like their life is so great that they have the right to dictate how others live, or theirs so awful that they want others to suffer with them.


People, in general, fear things they don't have knowledge. Some people have the need to feel superior and put down others who are different. Religion uses bigotry against those they deem sinful such as the LGBTQ community. They used these beliefs to spread hate against many types of people so in essence the LGBTQ community is in good company! Those who are accepting are in general confident and cool people.


They believe in a fairy tale and they cannot understand anyone who deviates from who you are and Ifor they cannot understand or get over it's their problem. . Move on


No one in their right mind fears anyone in the LGTB community. My only concern and I'm am sure many others are of like mind, is when ones sexuality is the be all and end all of who they are. I honestly couldn't care less who you want to be in bed with. But please, please do not continue with this absurd " gender is a spectrum " crap. Canadians are suffering under bill C16 unless of course you win a nice tidy sum of money through because a man identifying as a woman is accidentally called sir. The crime is the bill not the use of free expression. .


Some people might be grappling with their own sexuality and taking that out on others.

I'm of the opinion that this is the most likely explanation.


Many people have their identities threatened by anything that questions what they believe. They despise what they do not understand because their identity is crafted such that their model of the world is complete and comprehensive, At least to their minds. Anything that comes against this model is taken as personal attack. I am nominally bisexual myself and a part of the reason I have not come completely to terms with this myself is that bisexuality is "threatening" to both hetero and homosexuals. Neither community is particularly accepting of bisexuality and in defense of their self images they attack those that are not black and white as they are forced to be in their heavily protected personalities. Such aggressive defensiveness is not the rule of course, But it is common enough to make life hard on anyone "in between" this or most any position that is strongly identified with.


The unknown scares people with small minds. Thru fear what they can't understand and they won't understand what they fear. I imagine it's a sad existence most of the time.


I believe people " fear" what they don't understand. They look to the heavens for a answer. There is no answer! Find what suits you and enjoy.. we only have one turn at this thing called life.. make it a good one!
Cheers to you!

Leah Level 5 Dec 16, 2017

Because I'm bi (But really I'm pan). And people are scared of me.

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