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Change your mind?

Have you recently changed your mind or moved your position about anything political or anything that could fit into the 'supernatural' category?

If so, What was it and what made you change your mind?

EmpAtheist 4 May 22

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When I was processing out of Christianity, I necessarily questioned my entire belief system, including social and political attitudes. I dumped all the religious right-inspired “morality.”


The possibility of humans being able to pick up telepathy sometime in the future due to the our biological evolution leading us to use quantum entanglement and perceive neurological frequencies amongst our species. It's sorta there now, but in anecdotes, like when two friends decide to call each other at the same time or when a mother's "intuition" tells her that her offspring is in danger, or the strong bond between twins.


I guess, define supernatural for us.

Anything from God to ghosts, aliens, telepathy, etc...

@EmpAtheist and aliens are supernatural because.....

@GipsyOfNewSpain *encounters

@EmpAtheist You saying you don't consider aliens part of nature? Or that nature is strickly earthbound?

@GipsyOfNewSpain in this example I would he talking more about abductions and visitation. I am not making any claims about aliens. I am asking if anyone has changed their positions on almost anything really.

@EmpAtheist I am too caught up with the simply natural to worried about the super for now. But if I get attacked by an alien or molested by a ghost a lot will change on my mind for starters right now UFO = Unidentified Floating Objects on my pool I just cleaned and Ghost are Materialized Farts unable to return to vapor form.

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