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QUESTION If the World Was Ending, What Would Your Last Message Be? - The New York Times

The astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission trained in the desert of the Western United States — formerly Native American land — in order to prepare themselves for the final frontier. According to an old joke, a native chief asked the astronauts if they could pass on a message to the holy spirits who live on the moon. The man spoke some words in his own language, and when the astronauts asked what the message meant, the chief told them it was a secret between his tribe and the moon spirits. But the astronauts managed to find someone who could translate the words.

The message was: “Don’t believe a single word these people are telling you. They have come to steal your land.”

zblaze 7 Dec 17

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So long and thanks for all the fish...


Pardon but my Definition of World Was Ending is Nothing will get my last message.


If it was the end of us then my last message would be...

Well I guess we have finally proved there is no God. If there was they should have really stepped in by now......


Hey honey.... it's Friday night..woo hoo.


I would have no final message. I'd be doing my best to live my final moments to their fullest. Besides, what possible good is a "final message" if the world is ending and there won't be anyone left to even know what it was?

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