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Neuropathy anyone?

What are ways of mediating or countering neuropathy, nerve damage, spinal traction, ect.?

Adorkable 6 May 24

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I've had neuropathy in my hands and feet since chemo treatment form last year for Hodgkin's Lymphoma (in remission since August). Let's see, what HAVEN'T I tried? Right now I seem to be making due with Cymbalta, Lyrica, and extra B-12 -- they don't take it away, but they help take the edge off. From what I understand, everyone seems to have it differently and it can take several months to several years to dissipate, if at all. I try the best I can to live my life and modify my activities and energy to manage it; ironically the more I'm active the less intense it feels. There are mornings, though, when it's all I can do to get myself up and out of bed.


Gabapentin and tramadol.

@Adorkable Damn....what a rough time. So sorry.


I have non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy. I take gabapentin.

@Adorkable I did yoga for several years, though I haven't recently. I couldn't really tell any difference. Surprisingly, since my neuropathy is all in my feet and legs, walking seems to help some. I walk every day, and when for some reason I don't, my legs bother me more.

@Adorkable Yeah, my legs are tight all the time.

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