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Because of the islamitist invasion. This shit is coming our way.

I like your sarcasm

@Lukian wish it was.

@Jacar then I like your fearmongering (sarcasm)


That is just political correctness gone mad, after all each case is different. You cannot judge it in black and white.

it's a pendulum swing.

@Lukian not exactly. Historical research tells us we know far less than we do. And most of it has been lies.

Why are you objecting to defending women? Please do some research.

Islam: no free speech, no equal rights, state religion, kill homosexuals, atheists, apostates, women, and in general, all infidels, no science, no reason, no quarter,…

Supporting islam in any way is totally anti-liberal, and completely immoral.

@Jacar why are you twisting this as an Islam only issue? Defending women is not always an antiIslam issue? Have you always made clear consent signals with your current and past partners?

@Jacar Where on all earth did you get that I object defending women? You are dragging Islam into this, I guess you are not aware the rights women have in Islam. Yes they do not have equal rights, but neither do women in the so called Christian countries. Just look at the US where Donald has just signed orders revoking equal pay for women in industries that have or are linked to Government. And by the way look at India which has a huge Hindu population yet they are happy with raping women & children on a big scale.


Isn't that rape anyway?

My thought exactly.

Missing the word: explicit


It's the Daily Mail..


What nutty apps?


You realise some women may fall foul of this legislation too.


It's a simple solution. Agree with a partner rules about the relationship. Men and women should both be respected.

I suspect there is some other motive behind this legislation the media is forgetting.

@Ellatynemouth absolutely. This will serve the need of the many and for the betterment of society as a whole.


Shouldn't you direct that to Sweden instead of me?

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