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LINK An Atheist Country Singer: God Isn’t Real – Friendly Atheist

This country song is by Robbie Fulks with video by SecularAstronomer. What other atheist themed country songs are there?

HeathenHello 5 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe these two

. This one might not exactly count as country , but it is close enough perhaps

I really like those songs, Thank you so much! I'm most familiar with My Church, but didn't listen closely and figure out it's somewhat indirectly challenging religion. The same with She Left Me for Jesus. The last one challenges overtly. I love them all.


It's a wonder "The Good Ol Boys" haven't strung her up yet.

Coldo Level 8 May 28, 2018

It sure is a wonder. Hopefully soon if they haven't.


I can't think of any and I've played and listened to a lot of country misic. I know of a funny Jesus song by Kinky Friedman called 'They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus Anymore.' ☺

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