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I just have an instinctive feeling that a lot of people who claim to believe, really don't,but,are afraid to admit it to themselves or anyone else, out of fear of social rejection and losing the whole holiday meaning.

mike1951 6 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I've seen people who were agnostic become religious once they found a religious partner. It is obvious they did so just to appease their significant other. This always makes me think, "so you finding this person somehow increases the chances of there being a God? How does that work?"


That social animal thing coupled to the herding instinct. Another clue is, I doubt they would respond so vociferously, occasionally viciously to our presence. We would be no threat if they were absolutely certain. Just guessing here.


I agree. It’s even supposed that Mother Teresa wasn’t a believer at the end.


Agreed, and I’d go so far as to say the majority of them. Though, they’ll resent us for having the ..strength they lack to openly question and reject it.

This seems a ‘US centric site,’ so I can’t speak for those of other nations … but I’ve a feeling there’ll become a critical mass - a tipping point in this nation when, if brought on by the hideous escapades of our religious-republicans or their obvious hypocrisy, we will assume a majority status.

As for this ‘Holy Day’ - it’s based on the Winter Solstice -- due tomorrow, my time 🙂

Varn Level 8 Dec 20, 2017

I don't have Time to nurture feelings for what people do, claim to do or believe, lie about, etc.


There's an entire subculture of priests and pastors who work as professionals in the field that can't (won't?) express their disbelief for fear of excommunication, loss of family... everything you describe. It's called the Pastor Project, or something like that. It's a support group of individuals that remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but it's quite a movement apparently. Includes Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, you name it.

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