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QUESTION How To Convert An Atheist! - YouTube

Interesting snippet from the show Derren Brown: Fear & Faith. In this one he shows psychological techniques to trigger emotional responses which in turn create "religious" feelings.

The full episode is located:

SteveB 7 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Another form of master manipulation. Nice video, though! The mind is a very fragile thing. The book: The Human Brain.That book explains all about the human mind and how it can be deceived. The video was really good at exposing how religion is just really all in the minds of people.


Literally possessed her


Now what we need to do is use similar technics to convert the deluded to atheist. His technics will only work on those that do not have atheism as a core value.


Convert an atheist to what? A redneck?

godef Level 7 Dec 22, 2017



I just threw up a little in the back of my throat.

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