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If you could ask "god" just 2 questions, what would they be ?

Wildgreens 8 Dec 21

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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Wtf with Donald Trump. And if he could find it in his powers please bring back Hershey bar none that was some good shit.

  1. Read above... you idiots voted for him and picked Hillary to run against him.

  2. Beyond my ability... no one likes that shit... JK LOL... Never had one.

  1. Could something with a paradoxical nature be the "foundation" for that which we see as existence?

  2. Will you just apologize to everyone, me and you included?

  1. There is a little bit more than what is seen. An existence requires a much boarder definition.

  2. No fucking way... you choose what you want to experience in this life. Nothing is good and nothing is bad. Just like a Videogame, You want to play an American soldier, or Japanese soldier or whatever, you chose the settings for your life experience. You die in the videogame, you get to restart again. You don't really die, you don't get to take the points and gains with you... all you have is the experience of how you saved or shot your friends.

@DragonFZ that would mean this god DargonFZ and Zachary painted is being paralleled by Zachary, which is all someone could hope for but just sounds to good to be true.


In Terry Lane's book "God. The Interview" he asks a whole lot of questions, and 'God' answers him.


who made you? why are you such a useless lying twat?

No one made me. We just exist in everything.

I didn't lie. Some twat made up the lies and put it in a book.


1 Which God are you
2 Why did you supply so much overwhelming amounts of evidence suggesting that we live in a natural universe

  1. Why does a god who is so desperate to be loved, not appear before his worshippers so that they can love him?

  2. Why does a god who declares 'thou shalt not kill' then encourage his followers to kill non-believers, homosexuals, women who are not virgins on their wedding night, and anyone who works on the sabbath? In short, god, why are you a HYPOCRITICAL CUNT!


How could you have let Trump become president? 2nd, Are you fuk'n nuts?


What the hell is the matter with you? You have a lot of explaining to do.


Do you exist? Can you send me a sign to prove you exist? If I received no sign I would draw the conclusion either God doesn’t exist or he doesn’t give a sh—t weather I believe in him or not


We are on our own to make this life SUPER Wonderful !!!!!! There is no help from a god because there isn't one. That's our reality.
I think that we have thrived this on our own just fine. Congratulate ourselves we are all troopers !!

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