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QUESTION The Making of a Modern Pilgrim -

A primal need resides in us all to bear witness and talk to our fellow travelers on this pilgrimage of life that, though we may disagree on much of it, such as origin and destination, should serve as a means of rejoicing in our shared humanity with its wonderful and stirring muddle of contradictions and finer aspirations. The more I hiked on, the deeper this sank in—with a palpable result. My energy levels rocketed. Bitterness and regret evaporated. Two decades were knocked off leaving me feeling and acting like the enthused and goofy eighteen-year-old I once was before the hits and thwarted ambitions of life took their toll. The Camino was a slap-in-the-face reminder that being human and being around other humans can be such enormous fun.

zblaze 7 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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