I am having a “huuuge” problem dealing with the a**hole in the White House and his staff of repressive parrots. What kind of petty child spends all his spare time composing "tweets" to defame anybody and everybody who disagrees or finds fault with him? He is still getting away with it and the stupid media keeps reporting it.
The more they report this shit the more his followers feel sorry for him as if he's the victim and not the American people. As has been said before there are so many things that should have politically destroyed him on the campaign trail. Yet he survived every scandal and lie. What is wrong with the tabloid attitude of the American press?
As I have said so many times before, THIS IS NOT THE UNITED STATES I GREW UP IN. Also, when Nixon was on the verge of impeachment I actually thought the process worked. Instead it was a call to the extremists on the right to protect and hide any wrong doing by subsequent republican presidents.
Instead of becoming a benchmark for transparency in government it became the prototype for hiding corruption in the highest offices in the land.
What is wrong with the tabloid attitude of the American press?
Nothing, they're just doing their job helping the establishment work against you.
@realdancermn yes, If you read the article I posted it tells you how the MSM is actually working with our politicians to manage a perception over us rather than be that 4 branch of checks and balances. Which is why I get my news from alternative news sources.