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Trump is trying to kill Americans !

Marine 8 June 4

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He is killing


He isn't trying to kill Americans...he simply doesn't care weather you live or die. Dismantling the EPA while propping up the NRA...Across the pond we Europeans have a very different but unified perspective on this first we thought it was funny..then pathetic..then disturbing..soon we will think tragic.


You just now noticed? Welcome back from Pluto!


IIRC he is succeeding.


The EPA midwest office of industrial inspectors responsible for inspecting the injection wells of industry has been reduced to 3 from 10. Their work was to make sure that industrial waste was not polluting ground water, The Superfund inspectors have been totally eliminated and these were the investigators of pollution. The office which handled 60 contaminated sites last year stated many fewer complaints this year. The ones who will suffer are those living next to these plants who will receive toxic plumes and contaminated water.

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