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It is amazing how few comments on this topic took hold on this site. I wonder how many are truly aware of what we have the trump administration on so far. This is now being asserted by some scholars as Treason. We are there folks and need to apply some real passion to end this nightmare.

EMC2 Level 8 June 5, 2018

As an avid follower of MSNBC and in particular Rachel Maddow, I am so awaiting the evidence to be presented to the public . The vast majority of the people in America have no idea how closely Trump is tied to the Russian Mofia and perhaps is not only tied but made.

EMC2 Level 8 June 4, 2018

I know. I read about his business dealings years ago. I can’t believe it hasn’t been talked about more, Russia funds Trump when no one else will.

It would be really nice if they presented the evidence say around the first week of October before the midterms...

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