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My friend and I were 10 beers deep one night and I asked him if he REALLY truly belived in God. His response was "Well, so I feel like a good person, yeah".

Does anyone else hide their atheism just so they won't be automatically shunned?

MattMorris 2 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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There was a time when I did, but that was many years ago. These days, I use my own instinct to decide who I wish to confide that information in. It isnt a secret. I do not hide it. I proudly post my beliefs on FB as well. I feel more... empowered these days when I can honestly say to people who seem a bit put off by my... spirituality and lack of religion, that, "I am good person simply for the Sake of Being a good person. I do it void of requiring a Bribe like Heaven. I do it Void of conviencing myself that when someone I love dies, I will not blindly believe I am to see them again in a mysterious heaven. I do the things I do because they are intrinsically a part of my personal philosophy, mores, ideals. I do not need to have a Pastor above me dictating how I live. When i do something difficult or good, I take credit, i don't short change myself in order for a god to take credit. My actions are All of my Own Volition and of my own accord. I do not need a carrot dangled in front of my nose in order to Prompt Me to Be Good. I simply Am Good with zero thought of reward." It shuts them up. Usually...

Sadoi Level 7 Dec 25, 2017

No, but I don't volunteer that information unless asked or I feel personally attacked. For example, in a new group of people if someone starts talking about immorality of atheists, I will be sure to say something after their rant is over about my stance. The reaction is usually priceless. Bible belt life

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