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Let me ask you a question: What do you think of German philosopher Markus Gabriel?
In the last few months I have read four books by him, because he is supposedly the most important and original German philosopher of his generation.
But my impression after reading them is rather sobering. Frankly, I think Gabriel is a highly gifted phony. He is incredibly intelligent and incredibly well-read, but in my opinion his theories have no real substance.
Or is it just me that I can't see that substance? -
Is there anyone here in the group who has understood Gabriel and appreciates him?
Has anyone understood his theory of "fields of sense" and thinks that it is a milestone of contemporary philosophy ?

Matias 8 Dec 24
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I found and read the interview with Gabriel about his book “The World Does Not Exist”.

He seems able and willing to question everything anyone says. I doubt that he will ever conclude anything about anything, especially about existentialism’s “There are no excuses”.

yvilletom Level 8 Dec 25, 2020

Was it Nietzsche who said philosophers are troubled people who use large words? Or did someone say it about Nietzsche?

After existentialism’s “There are no excuses”, what remains for philosophy?

yvilletom Level 8 Dec 25, 2020

i stopped reading German, or any, philosophers after Schopenhauer.
as depressing as he may i think he got it right.


Never heard of him, but will check him out.

gigihein Level 8 Dec 24, 2020

I have not read any Gabriel, or heard of him for that matter. I’ll look him up.

skado Level 9 Dec 24, 2020
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