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Who is your favorite existentialist philosopher and why?

Heraclitus 8 June 8
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Soren Kierkegaard!: "People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."

Daco2007 Level 7 June 10, 2018

Is it OK if I don't have one?

wdwyer Level 5 June 9, 2018

Although some would argue whether Nietzsche counts, he's my favorite. He's got his problems, but I just enjoy his audacity, energy, wit, erudition, and insight.

ejbman Level 7 June 9, 2018

Totally agree. He must be the most exciting, erratic and profound ride in the history of pondering stuff. The thinking persons Space Mountain at Disneyland!

@scienceandsartre Considering your apparent interest in Sartre, I'd say Beyond Good and Evil. On the other hand, if you'd like a more allegorical and poetic rendition of similar material, try Thus Spake Zarathustra.

He counts. If your looking for a solid biography and trenchant analysis of his philosophy, H.L. Mencken's is a fine place to start.


Yes, I know he is a postmodernist, but there is more to connect his philosophy of existentialism than might at first be apparent.

I must say I love his idea of the End of History and the demise of all the Left/Right Utopian ideas in The Illusion of the End. I only dipped in some years ago but now perhaps time to dive a bit further. Thanks for bringing him up


I have to say Jean-Paul Sartre. Aside from the fact that he lived out his philosophy, Sartre was a great revolutionary and his existentialism is an excellent blend of phenomenology and objectivity. I love the Sartrean perspective. To see things as they are..." to the things themselves"

On "living out his philosophy" you should read Michel Onfray. He ask how Satre could survive so well during the Petain period.

I've searched him up and all I get are French texts (I can't read french)

Any English sources?

@EliRodriguez11 I think his "Atheist Manifesto" is available in English

Got to agree there. I just love No Exit but haven't looked at it for about 15 years! I must revisit it


Ken Wilbur. He was one of the first still living philosophers I read and his book "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality" has become my 'bible'.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 8, 2018
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