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So. Why do people expect others to accept their reality but scoff at other people's reality.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Sep 30
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I don't believe in my reality, I accept actual reality because there is evidence of it.
If some one else expects me to believe something without evidence simply because they have a warm fuzzy feeling about it or because their imaginary friend insists they believe it or else he is going to burn them forever, then we are going to have a problem.


Which ‘people’ do you mean specifically?

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Sep 30, 2018

Everyone is right in their own eyes, though we know they're mistaken!

rcandlish Level 7 Sep 30, 2018

Egocentrism. Lack of empathy. Ignorance. I can't accept these people in my life anymore.

Hellas Level 6 Sep 30, 2018

well ... if both realities clash ...


Because we are fundamentally subjective beings, not objective beings.

Heraclitus Level 8 Sep 30, 2018


skado Level 9 Sep 30, 2018

I think it’s our nature to behave that way. Fortunately it’s also our nature to be able to construct counterbalances to our nature, but it is usually done only on a voluntary basis, and not many volunteer. 🙂

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