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I would like to have a mantis pet. I do have several what I think are called cat face spiders living in my house

btroje 9 Feb 12
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Also, we need to see pics of these cat faced spiders. 🙂 Looks like they're a type of orb?

Qualia Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

This guy has great mantis vids on youtube. So many amazing types in the world.

Also no shortage of mantis husbandry/for sale ads(groups) on FB 🙂 Some are easier keepers than others.

Qualia Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

We have had a Mantis for a pet on several occasions over the years at my house. They are super cool. I used a large clear glass vase with straight sides. About 6 inches across, 15 inches tall. I found various Tupperware lids that just happened to fit on there and drilled small holes in it. Weighted it down with a small stone. Some gravel in the bottom and a couple nice crookedy sticks that it can climb on. Mist it frequently. Crickets is what they loved to eat. You can keep your crickets in a separate cricket house. Ours all layed an ootheca egg sac on the lid at the end of the summer. Its super educational for children too.

MrLink Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

I see things like orchid mantises and would love to have some but I think those are challenging. I can't recall the name of it but there are some that are mostly black that are supposed to be easy to raise. WHen I get around to it I think I will go with that

One thing about mantids, they need safe places to "hang" so they can molt properly. There are some neat enclosures out there. Another lifetime ago had what i think was one of those large african mantids, back in the south, it had a bad shed & wound up paralyzed.
"Paraplegia" was fed flies with tweezers, being that it was the only mantis to have ever bitten me when it threw a fit. Their teeth are like razor blades LOL Plegia died before next molt, but still have it in a cardboard jewelry box somewhere.


I need to work on my arachnid appreciation. I do not mind them per se, but get skeeved out by thinking of hundreds or thousands of babies in my house.

Zster Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

or even billions. Have you ever seen mantisis coming out of their ooth?

I have seen mantises hatch. Boy do they ever need soace, though. Little cannibals! Cute though.


In college, I caught insects under the outdoor dormlights to feed my pet lizards. I caught a female mantis, nearly five inches long, and put her in the herparium. She was SO good at grabbing feeder bugs, the lizards started to lose weight.

Now, I realize that could have endangered both reptile and insect. At the very least, I'd probably set up a stressful situation. The mantis was very cool, though.

Zster Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

I like spiders , being that they are like cats , they earn their keep ! Mantises seem intelligent , but they don't have the common sense to sit somewhere they don't get run over or stepped on . They are protected here in WV , but every season they make such a mess in roads , parking lots , & sidewalks 😟

Dougy Level 7 Feb 12, 2018
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