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Hi , new to group from southwest suburbs. From old south side Back of the Yards neighborhood. Irish catholic upbringing in mostly catholic neighborhood. It wasn,t till I was out of high school and I met a Baptist girl who let me know I was going to hell because I wasn,t saved. i was already close to losing my religion and that claim really got me to thinking. The Nuns , priest,s and Christian Bros who ran the schools were mostly horrible people ,especially the nuns. I went to grammar school in the 60,s and I have many stories of abuse by the nuns that I think a lot of people would not believe . Anyone else have similar experience,s ?

danielgall75 2 Apr 10
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I went to a catholic grade school. Some of the shit they got away with would land them in jail today.

Paganpaddy Level 5 Sep 10, 2023

Hi Daniel, and welcome to the group. I didn't share your experiences because I was raised in a family that was culturally jewish, but without the religion. More corned beef, less dogma.

I grew up on the far north side of Chicago, but I gained some familiarity with the SW burbs through my former husband's family. They were all in the Hickory Hills, Tinley, Oak Lawn, Orland, etc. But when I was a kid anything south of Congress was no terra incognita

Nice to meetcha

Hey, I'M IN HICKORY HILLS! Sorry about the all caps, but I get so excited when our little shit town is mentioned!

@chucklesIII Been there!! My mother in law lived there.


Hi and welcome.

I went to public schools but heard of the horrors of the Catholic schools - kids had to spend all that extra time in catechism. I heard the nuns were kind mean too, but actually I think they kids in the Catholic schools got a decent education.

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Posted by MeggieClearyIt was a beautiful evening in Chicago.

Posted by MeggieClearyIf any of you like loose-leaf teas, I wonder whether you’ve tried Chicago’s own Tiesta Tea.

Posted by MeggieClearyIf any of you like loose-leaf teas, I wonder whether you’ve tried Chicago’s own Tiesta Tea.

Posted by Curt3900Hi im from the border of ill and wisconsin Been here forever. Its hard to find freethinkers anywhere.... Can I join?

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