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I wish women thought more of themselves and wanted more for themselves than to base their worth on getting knocked up and pooping out sex trophies.

Women in the past would have given anything for the opportunities that women today have. How dare they squander it just to become a baby factory. ugh.

SkotlandSkye 8 June 11
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I like that post.

Wildgreens Level 8 June 12, 2018

HAHAHA, that's a perfect meme for the Maury Povich Show. ????

MacStriker Level 7 June 12, 2018

It's rampant here in West Virginia where the girls' whole self-worth concept involves staying pregnant and being the focus of the family's attention for the first 10-years out of high school. After 3-4 babies, 2-3 failed marriages and an extra 100-pounds of body weight they become stay at home day-care centers and live out their lives with zero chance of improvements. I've tried to explain the alternate futures to the young girls I've been close to and reinforce the lifelong advantages of marrying a few years later and having kids only AFTER college, but NO, they want the hot guy and the kids while the hormones are peaking. They really have no interest in careers of their own. Just babies. It's a way of life here. Sad.

mtnhome Level 7 June 11, 2018

Stupid people keep breeding more stupid people....and then they will blame the government and run around with their hand out demanding entitlements for their crotch monsters. Ugh. The government needs to stop rewarding stupidity.

@SkotlandSkye I agree completely, but can you even imagine the revolution in the streets if the gov't made any move to reduce family size? Even the environmental groups all agreed among themselves years ago that talking about population growth vs reduction was a losing battle, even though that was the ONE key solution to all the other issues. Best we can do is try to get people educated and into productive careers and give them their own selfish reason to limit family size.

I have family in WV and I can attest to the accuracy of this statement. Granny had nine kids, most of them had kids and their kids are having kids. Most of them have been married multiple times, have multiple kids by different men and women. One has like four kids from four different dad's, none of them involved in the lives of the kids. There's one who has no kids.

@LunaStarr My bet is the one with no kids doesn't get much attention or respect from the family.

@mtnhome nope. Me neither and that's fine by me.

@SkotlandSkye, @mtnhome this may not be everywhere but in North Carolina even poor uneducated mountain people are getting fixed after two children. The reason is the government no longer gives more and more money to people with more and more children. After two children you're cut off from all additional government assistance. This has helped the situation in the mountain regions of our state tremendously.

@Kojaksmom I'd not heard that before. Are you saying the state gov't is imposing this benefit cut-off after 2 kids? If so it's the best thing that could happen. Did the religious right really allow that to happen?

@mtnhome I do believe that that is the case. No more free rides and more money for the more children you have. It still is a controversial law ,but it's the family cap law. Most uneducated mountain people are only after money. Many of them have gotten fixed after two children religious or not.


I usually call them "fuck trophies" but sex trophies works too. XD That meme is hilarious.

Yes. The anti-feminist movement is pretty disgusting.

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