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Is anybody else here tired of hearing "Oh, you'll change your mind when you get older!"

Or another one of my favorites- "Your life just isn't complete until you have a child!"

Secular-Squid 2 June 12
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Men don't get the kind of shit women get for not having children. I'm guessing the overwhelming majority of shit women get comes from other women, a number of them out of jealousy.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 17, 2018

I'm reducing my carbon footprint by not having children.

acutemind Level 4 July 7, 2018

I did get super sick of it. Luckily I'm 38 now, and one of the great things about getting older is people are starting to grasp that I will not change my mind. Sometimes the only thing that shuts people up is time.

I feel sincerely bad for people who felt their life wasn't complete without a child. That's kind of a lot of put onto a kid. What happens when that kid grows up? I see so many parents of young adults who aren't able to let go, or who have an identity crisis once their kids are grown. And don't even get me started on people who try to live vicariously through their kids, or try to push their kids to do things they never got to do (that was my childhood experience. It's not fun.)

K_M_C Level 4 June 14, 2018

Yeah, or they ask in that condescending tone " oh no kids?" I'm polite, but sometimes it's just so annoying like only christians can be. I just want to scream Fuck OFF!

Bakunin Level 7 June 13, 2018

I'm 51, no regrets. Life has been AWESOME!

Society brainwashing about breeding is based on RELIGION. "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth"! It's also the patriarchal way to keep women financially dependent ON MEN so the MEN can be in charge....and it encourages women to "put their careers on hold" so they will NEVER advance or be independent.

It's brainwashing. Be very, very, very happy that you WOKE up from it.


I would kill myself if I was forced to raise a kid.... so no... not the best thing for me...
and if I haven't changed my mind in 33years I HIGHLY doubt I ever will.

Good for YOU! I wish there were a few more like you when I was your age.


Others I've heard are:
"You just haven't met the right person yet."
"If everyone thought like you, then there would be no one left on earth!" [Yea, I think we're good with the current amount on earth].

My buddy who lives upstairs from me, he's ALL about making babies, so much so, he gave my newly married best friend advice, "Just do it bro, just do it, it's like magic, can't event explain it." ?

MacStriker Level 7 June 12, 2018

Yeah, but at 68 I think I've run out the clock. 😉

mtnhome Level 7 June 12, 2018

That may be true ,but I'm 52 and I still hear do you regret not having children? And to me that's just as annoying as when are you going to start a family?

@Kojaksmom People should be ashamed to ask... it's a criticism and an insult cloaked as an inquiry. Maybe you can find some equally cutting and demeaning response to such a question.

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Posted by MacStrikerWhen being selfish is better than being selfless...

Posted by MacStriker"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart."

Posted by MacStrikerWhen people with kids say "they are an investment!" (as if it's a positive thing), this is what comes to mind...

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Posted by MacStrikerThose Ungrateful Crotch-Goblins!

Posted by MacStrikerI'm not saying it's right, but i understand the sentiments of the reply...

Posted by MacStriker"... it's a peaceful life..."

Posted by JGalA little late but still applies every day.

Posted by MacStrikerAll the crotch goblins giving a breather to their breeders for most of the day. SerenityNow!

Posted by UrsiMajorWell, I guess this beats a pregnancy positive.

Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

Posted by Tejas0123456789

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