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I decided I didn't want children long ago. I always say women want them and men get stuck with them

LeonBarfield 4 June 16
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I highly disagree with your statement. Often women get pressured or even tricked into having children. Society pressures women into thinking they have to get pregnant or they won't be complete or a "real" woman. It implies that we're only good for breeding and raising children. Some women (along with some men) would prefer not to have children and take steps to keep it that way. It often puts me at odds because I do not wish to help raise someone else's children either. The only reprieve I have is the fact that due to serious medical issues, I'm not able to conceive. But even with that information, people still say "Well, there's always adoption or fostering." They don't even realize that I decided I would stay childfree before my body was unable to conceive. I've been called selfish more times than I can count usually by people who don't even know me or my situation.


In most religions, it is dictated that women are to be kept ignorant and pregnant as a means of control.

LunaStarr Level 4 June 17, 2018

Human children are fun when they are four years old. Then they get older and they learn to grow a mouth, a great big mouth.

SKH78 Level 8 June 16, 2018

I don't want human children EVER! And under no circumstances!

MissaDixon Level 7 June 16, 2018

A LOT of women don't want the little fucking career killers and money suckers.


Not quite! Some women want them. Some, like myself, have known our entire lives that kids are not on the goal list. In my case, I paid good money for a ten year reprieve from having to worry about it, and will hopefully be allowed to get my tubes cut, tied, and burnt when my IUD 'expires.'

synergy Level 6 June 16, 2018

That may be true. There is a tremendous amount of social pressure on women to be breeders. it usually is the female that winds up have having to take complete care of the kids. However, it was not an easy task to find a partner who did not want kids. When my relationships with men became serious, that was the biggest reason why I didn't want to take it to the next level.

Kojaksmom Level 8 June 16, 2018

Same here. Most guys I dated wanted children and a wife to raise them. So, that was a deal breaker.

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