8 5

Please help pay for the children I can't afford but want anyhow so I can raise them in poverty and misery to teach them character....

SkotlandSkye 8 July 7
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No, but I'll donate to the sterilization fund.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 6, 2018

If they can't afford an IVF then what makes this person think they can afford a kid?


Kinda reminds me of all those people who want free puppies or dogs because they can't afford to buy one, and they want the dogs to come with food and beds, and to be delivered to their home because they don't have a vehicle. Except kids are much more expensive.

graceylou Level 8 July 10, 2018

If you need IVF there is probably a medical reason... Which if you are actually successful (with using your own stuff) will probably pass on to your offspring. SELFISH! If you need medical assistance, there is probably a reason you aren't supposed to be reproducing. It's nature's way to try to get a handle on this overpopulation bullshit. ADOPT! It's the unselfish option to still have a child to love, and give a poor child parents. And guess what... It really isn't more expensive than IVF (esp if the IVF takes multiple rounds).


If there ever was a post about selfishness, it would be that woman's post. Really, we gotta pay?
This GoFundMe thing is totally out of hand. It's the proverbial, "mommy and daddy won't give me money, so now I have to go around asking my aunt and friends for money, WAAAAAAAA tempertantrum"

MacStriker Level 7 July 8, 2018

smart people never have kids...they get in the way of living...or force you to live the 'kid' life. these humans don't need kids.

MissaDixon Level 7 July 8, 2018

omfg ... makes me think that woman who had 6 children, single, no money, no job ... and those doctors implanted eight embryos into her .... 14 children and demanding that the taxpayers give generously to support her and her 14 children ... she was nicknamed "The Octo Mom" ... last I heard she was starring in porn films. I feel for those children.

SKH78 Level 8 July 8, 2018

Oh geez. There's no "angry" emoji in here. This is what makes me hate people quite frankly. (Not you of course, them.)

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Posted by MacStrikerWhen being selfish is better than being selfless...

Posted by MacStriker"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart."

Posted by MacStrikerWhen people with kids say "they are an investment!" (as if it's a positive thing), this is what comes to mind...

Posted by MacStrikerA book club that only allows ONE book, seems kinda narrow...

Posted by MacStrikerKids = Party Poopers (literally)

Posted by MacStrikerNone is better than one!

Posted by MacStrikerThose Ungrateful Crotch-Goblins!

Posted by MacStrikerI'm not saying it's right, but i understand the sentiments of the reply...

Posted by MacStriker"... it's a peaceful life..."

Posted by JGalA little late but still applies every day.

Posted by MacStrikerAll the crotch goblins giving a breather to their breeders for most of the day. SerenityNow!

Posted by UrsiMajorWell, I guess this beats a pregnancy positive.

Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

Posted by Tejas0123456789

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