7 7

Hi, I’ve always found children highly annoying. Even when I was a kid! I’ve always felt like an outsider because that’s not how you’re “supposed to” feel. I see plenty of child free people proclaiming that they love kids even though they don’t have any. But it doesn’t seem to be OK to say you just don’t like kids.

SkyBlue_Crayon 3 Oct 9
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It's totally fine to say that you don't want and/or like kids. I never felt the need to procreate. I can't stand babies, I don't get the appeal at all. Kids can be ok in small doses but I don't want them in my house.

I seldom get asked anymore as I've gotten older. Most of the women that I've dated in the past bunch of years are either childfree like me or their kids are almost / already out of the house.

I much prefer my dog.


That's the taboo: to be able to say that you can't stand kids. It makes you out to be some kind of devil. I don't like kids either, especially babies. I don't find them cute at all; they're annoying, they smell, and the newborns look like little raisins--not my idea of cute. My 24 year old niece recently had a baby, and now she's going through the sleepless nights and the process of constantly caring for the little loaf. I don't envy her at all.

BlackDove Level 7 Oct 12, 2018

Yeah your right about people seeing you as evil. Unfortunately we live in a very pronatal country. Even people who don't want or like kids have them. breeding it's something that you should just do. To me, that's really, really sad.

@Kojaksmom Well, when you physically can't, meaning infertile (and that describes a lot of people), being told that you need to have children puts a lot of distress and pain on those people, especially those that do want them. Yes, it is unfortunate that this is a very prenatal country. I swear, it doesn't take long after a couple marries that parents and relatives are soon asking, "When are you going to have children?"

@BlackDove exactly ! the pressure to reproduce is always there


I don't like kids and people around me are astutely aware. Those who know me have stopped asking if I want kids (finally!) as I would reply something to the effect of "I never liked kids." Of course, they thought it was witty to reply with some variation of "but you were once a kid" and then the shock as I would say "yeah, I never said I wasn't a total a-hole that older me doesn't like." Thankfully, they have gotten used to that fact and had "enough of my snark" to realize that isn't the best topic or approach to bring up.

PadraicM Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

I don’t like kids and everyone around me knows that. People know I don’t hold back. I especially can’t stand babies. It makes me crazy when they cry. I don’t worry about being an outsider. I prefer it that way.

graceylou Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

Noise is a big part of it for me too. And the hyperactivity.

@SkyBlue_Crayon Noise wouldn’t be my issue. I have 4 large dogs and I work with more dogs (sometimes up to 50 at one time). I have to deal with barking, whining, howling all the time and I’m totally fine with that. Give me one crying baby or child and I want to tear my hair out.


I NEVER wanted kids of my own. Helped raise a couple of wonderful kids way-back and loved them dearly, but maybe not all their friends. I don't hate kids, but I'm not interested in being around them at this age. I guess they're necessary if we're to continue to rape the planet and decimate all the other species. But I'm careful with what I say around parents.

mtnhome Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

I love kids but knew from a young age that I wanted to travel and be free to explore wilderness. Having children was completely incompatible with my dreams....and I am living my dreams and so happy with my decision.

DarwinGal Level 5 Oct 9, 2018

I can relate to that .I've grown comfortable with saying I don't like kids. It just creates shock initially, but most people get over it.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Oct 9, 2018
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