5 2

I am curious are there any people with kids or planning to have kids in this group? And if you are the former, why bother joining this group? Particularily since there can be at times, some critical posts about parents/kids? Or is it more that your kids are all grown so you now consider yourself child-free? heh

demifeministgal 8 Mar 27
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I don't have any biological children, but being out there in the dating world it's almost impossible to find anybody that doesn't have kids. If I remarry it's likely that I'll become a grandmother before I became a mother.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

Makes 2 of us

This is way too familiar of a scene (with gender names reversed for my case). It's hard to find somebody who doesn't already have kids. Really rules out a lot of the dating pool it seems. Though I find it interesting I hadn't considered it from the female perspective of finding a male dating prospect without kids. Thanks for helping me remember the "other side of the coin," Kojacksmom.

@PadraicM yep! Women don't create brats by themselves you know. Although I will say we usually get stuck with them after a divorce.


My son is grown, and I am currently childfree, my skin is thick enough to take a few general insults, I say derogatory stuff about myself, so what if someone else does. In this day when people get so butthurt over spilled milk, I think we should all be willing to see what others are saying.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 27, 2019

thanks for actually answering my question instead of getting defensive or butthurt. Good on you.


Crotch fruit free is the place to be.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 27, 2019

I am here because I regret having had kids. Does that meet with your approval?

mordant Level 8 Mar 27, 2019

why so defensive bro? So now being curious and inquiring about something means I am seeking to dish out approval? pffft

Sorry if I misread it, but as info, I'm not a paranoid sort.

I would add, if anyone "thinking about" having kids joins this group I'd take it as a good thing so long as they're actually here to learn and listen. I want people to be more thoughtful and intentional and self-aware around having kids, even if they end up having them. It would reduce the number of unwanted or indifferently raised children in the world. And such people participating in intelligent discussion about the question of having or not having children is a very good sign they'll make a far more informed decision than I did.


No kids. Childfree by choice.

What is the point of your inquiry?
Do you realize that making it a "poll" would make the results easier to understand/see at a glance.

Can I edit it into being a poll? And I just do not understand the mentality of people that join groups that are against or in opposition to their lifestyle and/or beliefs. Like I also do not understand why religious people join this site either. 😕

@demifeministgal I see no reason to question anyone's reason for joining. Freewill and all that.

@SkotlandSkye why not? Am I stopping them from joining? No. I just am curious as to the whys. If someone feels attacked for being questioned about their choices in life, they can move on from my post. It is like a sociological type inquiry. We were taught to question such things and human behaviours in an inquisitive way.

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Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

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