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This will sound bad ... but I think this is a safe place to say it. When children are little and innocent, I like them. Not all of them, of course, but most of them. When they get old enough to learn bias, bigotry, etc., I lose all interest and try to avoid them. The exceptions are the children who get really good parenting and they learn respect and good behavior.

SKH78 8 May 12
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I would go the opposite way - if I'm going to be around kids I would rather they be older. The young ones are loud, usually smell bad, and are oozing goo out of one end or the other.

GwenC Level 7 June 17, 2018

I guess I really don't hate children, but I hate the life that children set up for you. And 52 I've come to realize that parenting never ends. I have friends that are raising grandkids. I have friends that never stop worrying about their adult children. Parenthood really is a lifelong Adventure, and a bad one at that.

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 17, 2018

I am ok with any well behaved children. I very much dislike loud/high-pitched noises, so screaming/crying/tantrums are extremely hard for me to be around. The same actually holds true for animals too. I've taught my dogs "quiet", it's fine if they inform me that someone is here/something is wrong, but once I acknowledge it they quiet down. I can handle a well behaved teenager better than a screaming baby/toddler... I can even have intelligent conversations....


I live in Wisconsin & usually the children here are so well behaved. They are polite & respectful. The moment I cross over the state line to Illinois the mayhem begins. Then in the 4 corners where I own property in Colorado, the prevalence of quiet, sweet Native American children abound, & I so enjoy them. At the laundrymat on one occasion, I was waiting outside eating a snack. A little Ute child was there waiting for mommy. Without a word I offered her the bag of snacks . She took some. We snacked silently for 15 minutes until mommy came & they left. Not a word. No eye contact. It was magical. On another occasion a 3 year old little Ute boy was engaging me running around quietly tapping on things. He was asking the word for each item without speaking. He wanted to see my dog & Grandfather & mommy let him pet my dog. All without a conversation of any duration. A quiet people. No wonder they lost. I know what you are saying & its all in the parenting. Or the brash urban environ.

Mooolah Level 8 May 12, 2018

Sorry. I can't seem to delete the copy below.


I live in Wisconsin & usually the children here are so well behaved. They are polite & respectful. The moment I cross over the state line to Illinois the mayhem begins. Then in the 4 corners where I own property in Colorado, the prevalence of quiet, sweet Native American children abound, & I so enjoy them. At the laundrymat on one occasion, I was waiting outside eating a snack. A little Ute child was there waiting for mommy. Without a word I offered her the bag of snacks . She took some. We snacked silently for 15 minutes until mommy came & they left. It was majical. I know what you are saying & its all in the parenting.

Mooolah Level 8 May 12, 2018
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