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It's incredibly selfish and irresponsible

SkotlandSkye 8 June 5
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There's no need to have any.

Wildgreens Level 8 June 6, 2018

Love this post.
My best friend, who's a heavily indoctrinated Christian Orthodox believes that man must procreate, yet, is quite adamant about recycling, YET refuses to drink tap water and ONLY drinks bottle water [has conspiracy theories about tap water — another story]. His recycling bins are heaping piles of plastic bottles. I get it, he feels he's contributing to the greater good by doing that, not an uncommon thing for most theists. Cities and states are starting to ban this wasteful commodity because of how much it contributes to landfills and ocean pollution. He justifies this entitlement because god wants man to produce more people, to which they must learn the word of god AND that him drinking bottle water is the lesser of two evils (drinking tap water) because his conspiracy theory of tap water justifies his 'only' choice but to drink bottle water, so the pollution isn't so bad as long as he recycles.

MacStriker Level 7 June 6, 2018


MissaDixon Level 7 June 5, 2018

Yes indeed. Childless by choice. 4 births every second.

Mooolah Level 8 June 5, 2018
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