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ICE Faking News: Games Search Engines to Make Mass Deportations Appear Way More Massive Than They Are

The gleeful thuggery that ICE deploys in its mass deportation efforts is degrading, not just to the evacuees and Americans generally. And as we’ll soon see, ICE has been playing Internet games to make its migrant-rousting seem vastly more pervasive than it is, no doubt to try to scare as many as possible into self-deporting.


A correlating analogy would be the use of tax breaks. It's always the middle class and upper-middle class who pay the most, a couple to few higher %, so that the capital class get their % share lowered. We seen the same during Trump's first term.

A couple weeks ago I explained how I witnessed how many immigrants worked across the country in large metropolitan areas and large cities as an OTR driver, in large corporate settings. As the summer came in, it was the main street businesses that couldn't get the help they needed to open, or remain open, largely in vacation hot spots. Housing building across the country. Where a large need for immigrants find their work. Fearing being deported, they stayed in the shadows or returned home for a while. It will be interesting to see how this plays out as spring and summer are close by.

Unless they work for someone known to have connections in local politics and are assured to be safe. As in large corporations of various types and many large farming projects, mostly seasonal workers who move from place to place throughout the year. Large building construction companies in large cities.

My company was bought out, going on about 8 years ago now, from SA Recycling out of California. I believe we now make up the largest steel recycling company in the US. A large influx of what appears to be Mexican workers began popping up in the yards in my area, NE Ohio. I've been waiting to see how long it would take to come in to a yard to dump a load of steel and see ICE present. Or the Mexicans not present. So far, it's work as usual. We have 2 main yards they work at. One they dominate as workers, and one a growing number as the union workers have been slowly eradicated over about the past 10 years or so. I believe they come close to making up about half the workforce now in the mill yard if not there now.

This suggest 2 possible scenarios. That we're being fed deceptive information to incite a particular group of people who are in turn being deceived, along with the rest of us. That's alway the case of my agenda here anyways. And that the inflation that comes with this would also be a scam on all of us. The ruling class always wins from the results of any move by our representation. While we live in an existence of deceptions and mis/disinformation.

William_Mary 8 Feb 9
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Yup! No mass deportations at all! Just political theater!


Undocumented workers is slave labour. All the missing children is what should incite people to do something, not cheap food.
Consensus is there was 2.4 million Palestinians in Gaza prior to Oct 7th. Seen reports 1.7 million returning North to their homes with official death tolls in Gaza 40-50,000. Somethings not adding up and I would like to know where the other 600-700,000 have gone.
The new IDF chief has admitted about 6000 losers died committing genocide in Gaza, defending their occupation rather than the official 100 or so.
Truth is the first victim of war.

puff Level 8 Feb 9, 2025

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