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Donnie thinks he had every right to interfere with the 2020 election

HippieChick58 9 Sep 3
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What's basically being expressed here isn't interference, it was a protest against the vote. While I have absolutely no biasness for either party or candidate, Trump had every right to oppose multiple aspects of how the 2020 election went down. Despite being a criminal in his own right and part of the criminal DC system he has become part of.

Do you really believe Biden came from the bottom of the democrat candidates that year to being on top in a matter of just days without the DNC interfering again like they did in 2016? While Sanders was again setting on top. All other "players" just basically dropped out for him at a whim!

How many of you now showing a sense of disdain towards Trump also did so when the DNC and Clinton used party favoritism for Clinton to screw Sanders out of the primary cycle?

If you want to see what a real overthrown of a legally elected government is like within a sense of true democracy, I highly suggest you research the Maidan Revolution of 2014 that Biden and Nuland orchestrated in Ukraine for Obama. A scenario a thousand times worse that Jan 6th. I'm not trying to justify Jan 6th either. But the Maidan incident has played out around the globe at the hands of the US longer than decades. Ask especially Latin America how that works!

But observing this content which is loaded with the twist of narratives towards managing perceptions obviously leaves many without the capability of the reality within. Which is the multiple acts of election tampering that went on from both parties. Highly engaged in during both election cycles of 2016 and 2020.....

We've currently just witnessed another during this 2024 election cycle. Again from both parties. And so many of you have been so successfully distracted from the previous ones, as they're being used against you now, that it's apparent you've probably missed that also. Biden just got Sandered. Or should I say Clintoned? Or DNCed? How about, all of the above? Biden should have been disqualified from running in 2020 for his crimes and actions in Ukraine. Quite frankly, his entire 5 decade career.

I correctly outlined his crimes and analyzed what a Biden presidency would bring as it unfolded. His crimes and his sons which he was involved in. I correctly stated what his cabinet choses would bring the world. Who have been actually running the white house behind his mental incapabilities. You think the ditsy Harris is going to be any better!?! Quit it! Biden was finally exposed as no longer being capable of being president and Harris is the perfect puppet to control. No one voted for her!!! Just like Trump was basically non voted for!!! The fucking primary cycle should still be happening!!!

Democracy is as dead as dead gets in America now!!! The ruling class is running our country!!! With help from abroad even!!! Israel and the Ukraine manufactured war with Russia have more control over our representation than we ever had!!! And those benefiting from the genocidal inhumane actions of these actions are running our representation. Who are merely managers of their death and destruction on a global scale.


We need to get Harris in there so she can amend the Supreme Court or he will never be prosecuted for it.

Lauren Level 8 Sep 4, 2024

When are they going to lock this ☠️🤡guy up??

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