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Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war

In the period of crisis the hegemony of the United States will operate more completely, more openly, and more ruthlessly than in the period of boom. The United States will seek to overcome and extricate herself from her difficulties and maladies primarily at the expense of Europe, regardless of whether this occurs in Asia, Canada, South America, Australia, or Europe itself, or whether this takes place peacefully or through war. Leon Trotsky in 1928

I'll just leave that there for you to step in or over. Only the most intellectual will be willing to step in it and capable of absorbing the reality in it.


{Under Biden, the three decades of regional wars of American imperialism expanded into an open confrontation with Russia, the second-largest nuclear-armed power. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was a bankrupt and reactionary action by the Putin regime, which represents the interests of the capitalist oligarchy that arose from the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It was not, however, “unprovoked,” as universally claimed by the capitalist media. It was the response of the Russian government to NATO’s relentless eastward expansion and the refusal to negotiate over Ukraine’s incorporation into the US-led military alliance.}

And believe me as I say, that latter statement I put in bold text was hard for WSWS to put out there. When the initial advance into Ukraine and Donbass by Putin occurred, WSWS was one of many who denounced the move as essentially being illegitimate. But there's one problem with this when people make the claim it was reactionary by any terms. And there have been many terms and various attempted context used towards drawing one into it being a negative reaction. Bankrupt in this case. And that problem is that you can't have it both ways. The reaction either is based on illegitimate reasoning, or reasoning with legitimate reasoning. Suggesting illegitimacy in one breath, and then stating legitimacy based on other factors is code for agenda.

I use this site, and a handful of others, for my post. I have a very selective handful of sites I use. It doesn't mean I agree with everything they put out. I use this site quite a lot because I'm a Marxist minded political figure. And I agree and share the insight of Trotsky on the international front he advocated for. Which is the political front of WSWS and the SEP {Social Equality Party} associated with them. I highly advocate for this type of social structure. But we must all question the information we observe whether it comes from any news source or sense of representation. Or you can end up being the rubber piece at the end of a handle of a stamp, becoming a useful idiot. Don't allow yourself to become the rubber piece at the end of the handle. Or you can find yourself drowning in someone else's ink of bullshit. And after Friday, for an example, there's a lot of people drowning in fascist bullshit due to the clown show in the whitehouse who are missing the big picture. Subject to fall for the next illusion to be used as a rubber stamp again.

{The eruption of American imperialism is part of a global imperialist redivision of the world, in which all the major capitalist countries are taking part. The European powers have responded to Trump’s election, and the possibility of a change in policy on Ukraine, by insisting on the need for an independent foreign policy—if necessary in opposition to the United States. All the former colonial countries are targeted for re-subjugation in a scramble over control of resources, markets and raw materials.}

I assure you that the worlds ruling elite are not shaking from within their multiple billion dollar homes or on their yachts. Who have bottles of wines and champaign worth more than many make in a year.

William_Mary 8 Mar 2
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Get with the times Seppo. It's a multipolar world now, the age of Western European based empires is gone. They will go down with the Zionists. US hegemony is gone.

Listen to this arrogant twat would you
"I'll just leave that there for you to step in or over. Only the most intellectual will be willing to step in it and capable of absorbing the reality in it."

I'm smart enough to know I know fuck all. Twat.
You got a recent article from these predictors of a socialist decade when fascism is at the fore? Or don't they publish new stuff since USAID funding has been cut, like "independent" media in Ukraine?
I love think tanks, full of flowery grand plans. But to get a better grasp of reality, better to use your eyes to watch events rather than read dribble like the link you posted, full of American exceptionalism. Breaking news: Your shit smells just like the rest of us.

puff Level 8 Mar 2, 2025

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