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Hi, in case you are interested. Bernie Sanders - The Revolution Continues, new group.
Here's the Link, ---> "Bernie Sanders - The Revolution Continues" Group feel free to join us.

CaroleKay 8 Feb 22
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Bernie Sanders....... $6.0 Million
K a m ala Harris..... $1.5 Million
Kristen Gillibrand......$1 Million
Dr Wonky Warren.....$6 K

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 22, 2019

The internet is abuzz with Sanders today after announcing his 2020 race. Let me remind you how 2016 went down before you tie your next 2 years of time and money into supporting him as we did in 2016. Bernie after decades of promoting himself as democratic socialist, and giving awkward excuses for voting on bad blackmail bills throughout those decades, showed his true colors. After we took him to the top of capital hill he stood silent to the rigging of his primary election from the DNC, DWS, Clinton, and the media. To this day has not and will not talk about it. It took Donna Brazile to write a book who finally came out after the Wiki leaks accusations for us to have this confirmed. Then we all found out our money we donated went to Clinton and the DNC, in which we also found out Clinton was given charge over. Another irregularity of the DNC. As Clinton also used state parties to funnel money into her coffin. As I said, Sanders stood silent to this knowing it was being done before the convention, then joined in on the false narrative of Russiagate rather than stand up for his supporters. Read this next part carefully. Then in court the DNC lawyers argued that the DNC isn't legally held to run a fair primary election. They have the right to choose their candidate. In other words. It's simply a false statement in their rules of conduct. Same Sanders, same rules, will bring the same outcome. In case you missed the National address from Trump during the state of the union, both parties stood and applauded when he said socialism will not be tolerated in the US. Paraphrasing that. Sanders showed himself to be a con artist. I don't know who was better at it. Trump or Sanders. We took him to the top of capital hill and he stood up there and pissed down on all of us as though we were dirt to wash down the hill of the green grass he thinks he stands on. If you think these people will not do the same thing to you, after the evidence is only 3 years gone, you're duping yourselves this time! Good luck with that!

OK, shut up and goodbye. I guess you never read my profile. I block anyone that acts like an idiot in my posts. and you sir are an idiot. Sooo, Good luck with that! Lol.


Run Bernie run

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 22, 2019

The universal bumper sticker. Back bumper for Democrats ...



glennlab Level 10 Feb 22, 2019
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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