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I noticed a bumper sticker one morning on the way to work. It read: "If you don't believe in God, does that make him any less real?"

Yes, they are that blatantly ignorant. It presupposes that a god exists, and that evidence is unnecessary. I wonder if THIS extremely evident fact would elude them: "If you don't believe in leprechauns, does that make them any less real?"

Just because you believe something, doesn’t make it true!

It reminded me of a ridiculous bumper sticker I read years ago: "If you ain't country, you ain't shit." Which of course would mean, if you are country, you are shit. You can see why it is important to have critical thinking skills, or just to think, period. "Feelings" are nice, but are we really going to make important life decisions with them? These idiots seem to think they can.

Here is one of the definitions of the word Feeling: "a belief, esp. a vague or irrational one".

So, making important life decisions based on a vague or irrational belief is acceptable - thinking objectively, living consciously and purposely, is too much trouble.

Yesterday, I saw another bumper sticker that read:
“So if guns kill people, I supposed pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.”

The willfully ignorant, the cult mind, does not rely on critical thinking skills in order to justify their indoctrinated obsessions. People can also kill by stabbing with a pencil, driving into a crowd (August 12, 2017,  Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia), or using a spoon - [].

Admittedly, they know that it is people who fail in all these areas, so why do they allow murderers and those who are insane easy access to guns? These same idiots accept solutions to misspelling words (get a dictionary), drunk driving (don’t do it), overeating (don’t do it, build self-esteem, or as the Bible suggests: Cut your own throat. (Proverbs 23:2).

But they just can’t seem to find a solution to the gun problem because, “No amount of logic can shatter a faith consciously based on a lie.” — M. Lamar Keene

And they are compelled to lie to themselves all the time!

nogod4me 8 Dec 19
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France has that high of a suicide rate? I thought that was supposed to be a great country to live in!? There life expectancy is higher than ours.

Also Dawkins compaired religion to a tiny china tea pot that revolved around the sun. You can't see it, but you can't disprove it.


REALLY well-written, Friend! This plays into one of my favorite fantasies...yes, I'll share! We have a small signboard on our cars which responds to oral commands and displays our thoughts. What fun to ask those questions...then, carefully position your car in front of the one with the bumper sticker! Of course, we'd also need to install bullet-proof glass....

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Dec 19, 2019

We can not solve the gun problem for the same reason we can not get out of military incursions in other countries - too much money to be made. The industrial military complex is solely funded with tax payer dollars, if we were to restrict the types of guns Americans could possess we would risk Americans starting to think about the need for guns and consequently the vast amount of tax payer dollars going to things like the 'war' in Afghanistan.


Those are some crazy bumper stickers!!


The answer is yes, He is less real loosing my support.

EMC2 Level 8 Dec 19, 2019
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