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Never Forget That Donald Trump Snookered His Own Voters To Pass Ukraine Funding


Whether you're a Trump supporter or one that leans towards the better evil, I know you're out there, follow the history and the money that went with it. Learn the history if you need to. You're being fooled once again. Trump spent 4 years during his first presidency supporting and funding a fascistic genocide campaign by the Ukrainian government that was being waged against the people in the Donbass regions. He betrayed his supporters on essentially every word he spoke, and then every move he made.
He allowed himself to be impeached for the same crime Biden committed without bringing this to the attention of the American people. He and his media supporters should have been screaming this from the top of their voices during the entire fake process. Why weren't they?

Trump is a Russian puppet? Then why did he expel Russian diplomats, along with Israel, bomb and missile Russian positions in Syria, apply sanctions on Russia? No, Trump is not a Russian puppet. He's a professional capital class swindler. In which his family has been getting away with destroying other families and businesses since his daddy's days. Jr. is no different. Neither is Jared Kushner.
Who has already been reported as having a hands on deck presence for future operations in Gaza. So that facade of would have or will end that genocide was false out of the gate. Lebanon will apparently face the same fate. Who is currently already facing attacks on pretty much a daily basis now. They have been for months.

The hegemony comes from both ends. Are you that far behind? We're currently positioned in WWlll. They can't stop it now. They're too deep into it. It's a slow death for the western societies. Both economy wise and militarily. In which our fate is in the hands of the enemies they falsely manufactured. Due to the appearance of China and Russia being better technologically advanced. And gaining more support globally as states are creating a sense of unison.
Am I the only one who recognizes the sense of Trotskyism that is uniting Russia, China, and the global south today? What BRICS is currently accomplishing is right out of the book of Trotsky's work. If you have paid close attention to SPIEF this week, With the merging of these countries along with a growing number of Asian and Latin American countries, all you need to see the correlation would be the comments of various people from the visitors of SPIEF to feel the presence of Trotsky.

William_Mary 8 June 9
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Biden didn't rape any women, trump did. Biden didn't discriminate against blacks, trump did. Biden wasn't convicted of sexual assault, trump was. Biden wasn't caught discriminating against blacks, trump was. Biden wasn't convicted of a felony, trump was. Biden didn't pay off porn stars, trump did. Biden never bankrupted several businesses, trump did. Biden never inherited hundreds of millions and blew it, trump did. Biden's business wasn't convicted of fraud, trump's was. Biden didn't cheat, trump cheated on taxes, wives, in business, cheated other businesses, cheated on an election. Biden didn't steal classified documents and lie about it or claim they were his, trump did. Biden didn't lie tens of thousands of times, trump did. Biden didn't steal from a charity, trump did. Biden didn't run a fake university, trump did. Trump tried to bribe a foreign leader, Biden didn't. A half wit would know the difference between what trump did, which was for political gain and Biden was directed to explain to Ukraine that no money would go to a corrupt regime until they showed some effort to clean up their swamp. That is not a quid pro quo. Biden did his job. Trump tried to bribe for personal gain and the fact trump tried to hide what he did suggests trump knew what he did was wrong.

Over the years, I've made points that would pretty much indicate that most of the Biden glorifying you produced is incorrect. If not all. Apparently, you haven't meticulously observed Biden's 5 decade career well. He has a rather large previous role of being involved in many crimes and unethical practices. Apparently, the provided video above went right over your head as proof of such which is an example of a string of such over that 5 decade career in politics.

@William_Mary I assume you are replying to me. Your video proves what? The key word there is prove. It's interesting you claim what I said is incorrect. You said nothing of substance and hang your credibility on a video. Does it have any facts proving quid pro qou? You believe factless claims, but claim what I posted is incorrect? Your failure to post any facts weakens your credibility. How did I glorify Biden? You seem to struggle with basic word meaning. Look up the words quid pro quo, incorrect, meticulous and glorifying. You seem very ignorant suggesting something you posted that is not proven is over my head, yet you misuse basic words. What was incorrect about what I posted? What did you post that is meticulous? It appears you failed to read or comprehend what I posted. When being critical of another, try to be specific. Without facts, your opinions are just opinions. Like I said, Biden didn't get convicted of several crimes, didn't rape anyone, didn't steal from a charity, didn't break his oath, didn't lead an insurrection, didn't cheat on taxes, wives, business, an election, didn't pay porn stars hush $, didn't steal classified documents for personal gain, didn't lie tens of thousands of times, didn't make fun of disabled people, didn't call veterans losers and suckers, didn't hire his unqualified children. Can you prove your opinions? Do you have anything of substance to say? Got any facts?

@ecowellness he admitted to withholding a billion dollars unless the federal prosecutor was fired before he left the country in 6 hours. Who was investigating the Burisma energy company associated to his son Hunter and John Kerry's son. So no, you look up the meaning of quid pro quo. That is the perfect example of quid pro quo. You only get the money if the prosecutor is fired.

Yea, a lot of politicians have managed to do terrible things and get away with them. I'm not selective by party or country as to who I challenge by exposing the crimes and unethical practices. Apparently that isn't in you.

@William_Mary you made another false statement saying it's a perfect example of quid pro quo. Here you go again misusing a word (perfect) you either don't understand or felt a need to use it to bolster your weak argument. The fact you made a false claim suggests you know your argument is weak. Trump's case is closer to a perfect example and the fact you won't agree trump played the quid pro quo card reveals dishonesty and a lack of fair mindedness. Until you admit trump played quid pro quo, your credibility is done. Your closed mindedness about truths you can't handle gives more evidence you're dishonest. What kind of person lies to make someone look bad? Learn what quid pro quo means. Biden didn't secretly ask a foreign official to dig up dirt on his opponent and remind (ask a favor) that official it might help him get 400 million. Is secretly asking a foreign official to dig up dirt about a political opponent official foreign affairs? Nope! Trump tried to hide his so called perfect call from the public and when it was exposed, he had a fit. You think trump's trying to hide his perfect call implies he didn't know it would look bad for him? You struggle to understand basic words and lie. Even after you were exposed you continue the same foolishness. You are too anxious to make something look bad when it comes to Biden, but give trump a free pass. If any of the 2 is guilty of quid pro quo Trump leads there. Perhaps you forgot he was impeached for it. Were charges brought against Biden? Biden did it for the world to see. He was tasked to do it to take a stand against corruption. You have a problem with that? Biden did his job not for personal gain. You're silent about that. You feel because he did his job, he's guilty of what Trump did in secret and tried to hide. trump did it for personal gain and you have nothing to say about that?

@William_Mary Biden did his job. He didn't admit to what you claim he did. You seem too anxious to lie. Liars usually lie because they have a weak argument and lies are their best way of making a case. Why do you lie? Did trump admit he did his job? When you're doing your job do you hide it? He knew it was not legit. It wasn't his job to ask a favor to get dirt on Biden and mention the 400 million. Trump was asking for personal favors. The Ukrainian leader had enough integrity to not agree to trump's immoral request. Let's recap, Biden did it in the open, clearly if it was a quid pro quo, his lawyers and the state dept. wouldn't have allowed it. Did any nation suggest what Biden did was inappropriate? You might want to recall you struggle with many basic word meanings. You aren't credible, you make false claims after the obvious shows your claims aren't legit, even dishonest. Trump tried to hide what he did. Why did he hide it if it wasn't illegitimate? Most logical, honest, reasonable people would find it troubling trump tried to hide something that he shouldn't have done in the first place.

@ecowellness you're the text book example of what's wrong with our country today. You're deeply indoctrinated into a designed perception management which leaves you unable to think for yourself and recognize the crimes and unethical practices of the party or politicians you support. Only the other side commits such to you. Engulfed within the purposeful division of the citizenship along party lines. I can only feel sorry for you and leave you to what's left of your life within the delusional reality they created for you. As it's obvious that you'll never understand the fascistic conditions that have once again been brought to the forefront after 100 years after it's last rise. You'll apparently go to your grave without any recognition that the illusions you have beliefs in are significant problems that generations that are and will come up behind you will be forced the deal with. In which the younger generations are currently asking for us to help them as they do recognize these problems. As they have been speaking out loudly lately worldwide.

@William_Mary As a proven liar, what makes you think anyone believes your BS? Are you so narcissistic that you think as a liar you are believed? You're at grade school emotional intelligence level. I suspect you lie to satisfy emotional needs. Look up another word that you misused, lied about. You claimed Biden admitted to quid pro quo. You have no clue what the word admit means or you are so anxious to lie, you can't help yourself. Biden never admitted to it, making you a liar. How's it feel to be exposed again? You don't seem to have enough intelligence to grasp basic word meanings, You are emotionally disturbed. How dare you lie just to make someone who has outdone you by light years look bad. What have you done in your life that makes you so special you feel entitled to lie? Losers are liars. Liars never have facts and you don't have facts. At this point it's obvious you lack credibility and to make up for it you have to lie. Sorry you lost the election, put your big boy pants on and get over it. You can do it. You need emotional help as well as a basic education. You have no proof, your pretending the video is proof was another example of your inability to grasp reality. Why did you lie? You keep lying, but won't explain why. You aren't entitled to lie. Get some courage, stop lying.

@William_Mary, here you go again acting like the knowitall. Textbook? You could benefit from reading one. A basic English language book will help you learn simple word meanings. There are also books on emotional issues.

@William_Mary look up the word indoctrinated. You failed to apply it correctly. To prove you aren't at grade school level intelligence as well as emotionally, give an example of how I'm indoctrinated. Liars won't give examples. Liars never have facts, you don't have facts. You spew out whatever knee jerk words come to mind. There are a lot of losers that make this country worse, your being a liar is part of the problem. You lack courage. You can't admit you lied. Do you have enough intelligence to realize lying destroys your credibility? Who do you think believes a liar?

@William_Mary you said it's obvious I won't understand? You struggle to use basic words, can't use them properly and you claim I won't understand?

@William_Mary you seem lacking in so many useful and important mental skills. Lying is bad. Think about it. It appears you feel entitled to lie, perhaps to make up for your low level of intelligence and low emotional stability. I suggest getting help instead of continuing being a liar. You can do it, get some courage. Why do you lie? Perhaps you can't answer the question because if you did, you would melt down. You lost the election, try to get over it.

@William_Mary you once again misuse words, now it's illusion. Feel free to explain how that fits? I won't wait as you won't answer and will just move on to new emotional words you don't understand.

@William_Mary let's recap, you're a liar, lost an election and can't get over it. You ignorantly and arrogantly pretend you know what's wrong with our country? You are what's wrong. You are a pathetic grade school level liar who lies to tear down this nation. At least I don't support a racist, rapist, liar, cheater, insurrectionist, oath breaker, thief, guy who said veterans are losers and suckers, guy who inherited 400 million and blew it, guy who stole from a charity, guy who ran a fake university, guy who bankrupted 6 businesses and blamed it on everyone but himself, guy who blames anyone for his mistakes, guy who is spiteful, angry, bitter and self centered, guy who tried to bribe foreign officials for personal gain, guy who had a China bank account when he was lying about Biden having one, and you play the what's wrong with this nation card? Got any morals? Got any facts, liars never do, you never do. Got any courage? Did you go to trump university? At least I'm not so low I lie about Biden.

@ecowellness now you resort to name calling rhetoric and unfounded accusations on a personal level. Attempting to falsely design a sense of narrative control that twist reality that I could have actually done towards you based on facts. You deny facts. Apparently are quire ignorant of facts within our foreign policies and agendas. Apparently you're also unable to comprehend what you read. As you basically make the claim I'm somehow supporting Biden or maybe even his party. When I clearly made it apparent I don't support Biden in previous statements, or his party. I believe I mentioned that as I stated my opposing feelings towards our duopoly structured governance. You keep providing proof of multiple text books examples of what's wrong with our country as I have learned and attempt to expose here, while totally miss it because you have been successfully indoctrinated into a system of perception management. And during our discourse, you now have shown and used every sense of that programing to earn yourself a degree in exhibiting how the results of their mis/disinformation system works. Complete with name calling and useless rhetoric that we find essentially on the internet. While you go on with a rant rage indicating there is a probability of more issues at hand. Congratulations. Since I'm clearly in danger of allowing you to drag me down to your level now. You're unreachable and a waste of my time.

@William_Mary name calling? Waste of time? You go all over the place in your rant that isn't backed by facts. You continue proving you are low in intelligence, making more shit up to satisfy your emotional needs. How ironic you mention unfounded accusations. You made unfounded accusations about Biden and won't prove your ridiculous BS. You're one of those liars who when caught, claim the other person did what you did. Liars like you never have facts and being a liar you feel entitled to not post facts when asked, how dare anyone challenge lying William. You got caught and being a very emotionally disturbed person can't admit you made unfounded accusations. You're not just a liar with emotional problems, you're a hypocrite. At least I'm not an emotionally disturbed grade school liar. You resorted to lying, are very comfortable with lying. How long have you been an entitled liar? Stop lying, it won't make you liberal. You lost the election, get over it. You can't admit trump is a convicted felon, is guilty of sexual assault, cheated on wives, taxes, politics and business. Trump is such a slime bag, he stole from a charity, discriminated against blacks, which is racism. You're happy to support a racist, but lie about Biden. That says everything and if you had a little honest intelligence, you would admit you lied and are happy with a racist. But you don't have the courage to do it. It would cause your low level of emotions to tank. You make shit up to satisfy your emotional needs. Got any facts? Liars never have facts, you never have facts. You resorted to lying, proving my point, you are emotionally disturbed, you feel entitled to lie. You think calling a proven liar a liar is name calling? Look up the simple phrase of name calling. And your false claims about Biden isn't similar to name calling? Truth is name calling to you. You continue proving you have problems with basic intelligence. Must be awful being exposed when all you have to do is admit you lied. But narcissists never admit they are wrong no matter how ridiculous their lies are. Why are you a liar?

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