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What excercise routines are people doing right now?

I do a mix of lifting, and HIIT cardio. I like to switch it up every 3 months or so.

SteveB 7 Feb 11
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I do workout videos at home, a mix of cardio, strength, Pilates and yoga. I used to buy DVDs but a lot of good ones are free on YouTube now.

Mantra Level 6 Feb 18, 2018

I have a split routine I have been doing on and off for(ever) years. It's a combination of resistance training on my multistation gym along with some freeweights, and cardio on my elliptical, plus some floor exercises (pushups, crunches and leg-lifts). I try to get in 4X/Week. I've been able to continue this despite a bi-lateral hernia repair and two shoulder surgeries to remove "bone spurs" which has been described as cleaning out arthritis. I'm back to having pain in both of my shoulders again, but doubt I'll bother with more surgery. I have been able to modulate my workouts and can still get them done.

IAMGROOT Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

I am fortunate to live near a small gym in my town. The owner offers a variety of classes. Currently, I am taking: Spin (new class), Weightlifting, PiYo, and a general fitness class. When I started going to this gym, I could not lay flat on the ground and do a sit up and I was in danger of growing out of my size 18 clothes. I am now a size 14 (am close to a size 12) and I feel better than I did when I was in my 40’s. I also walk (but not as much in the winter) while playing Pokemon’ Go.

LizBeth Level 7 Feb 13, 2018

@SteveB Thanks. The diet part is now harder than the workout part. But I am working on that too!


I once did 5BX and was very impressed. Allied to a 900 calorie daily diet I had a six pack within 3 months.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

I can’t imagine a 900 calorie diet, mine is close to 3500 and I’m struggling to stay over 182, my minimum weight.

@Funandfondles I was overweight to start, had a sedentary lifestyle, hadn't exercised for a long time....winter came and I discovered a recipe for steak and kidney pudding in suet pastry. My 1.5 kilo puddings were being made and devoured 3 times a week ....forget the six pack....
How tall are you?

@FrayedBear I’m 6’1”, even had an accurate BMI test that says I shouldn’t weigh less than 182. I was 220 less than a year ago, but ever since I went back to the gym Iv been having to watch my weight. One week I’m 190 then a couple weeks later I’m 183, hard to balance.

@Funandfondles Interesting. I haven't been able to walk properly for 15 years thanks to a hit and run car driver, I am 5' 11 3/4" and am about 230 lbs. I always thought that my optimum weight should be about 170lb! I would be pleased with a consistant 190 but love my food! I also note that I'm 40+ years older than you....not that that should worry either of us. Have a look at this 73 year old body builder:

I always wonder about old female psychologists!

@FrayedBear things like body frame and composition also make a difference for a healthy weight, but mine also seems to line up with basic height to weight standards.


I used to run long distances. I ran a lot. Maybe too much. I could eat whatever I wanted and stay fit. Eventually bursitis stopped the running. I got fat. Then I discovered ellipticals. It was like running but no impact and I can do it. I push it hard for 30 minutes four times a week. I've been doing it consistently for eight months. Weight lost, a grand total of eight pounds. I guess I'm older now and it isn't running... . I remember arguing with this guy I know who is a trainer. He kept saying if you want to lose weight you have to change your diet. I guess he is right. However, not sure I'm going to do that. I feel better exercising, get a good endorphins rush, and pretty sure the exercise makes me healthier.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

I work out every other day. I use a work out plan from college that has been working for 12 years.

It's kind of complicated to list all of it here, but basically it's a mix of cardio, yoga and weight lifting. Start with yoga, run, lift, yoga, shower. That's the essence of it.


When I do actual exercise I have a cool indoor walking track right outside my apartment door. I don't have shoes that make my feet happy right now but when I get shoes I'll go back to doing my walking track. My walking track includes two stair cases, 42 steps up, down to the other end of the building and it's 42 steps down. When I first start I can only do about a lap and a half. Then when it starts getting too hot on the 3rd floor I just do laps around the outside of the building.

I wore out a pair of shoes doing that and lost a good 20 pounds but I haven't been able to find shoes that make my feet happy since. I think I found a good pair of shoes, I just have to work them into my budget. I actually got myself off insulin doing those damn stairs!! But here's the thing, since I am diabetic if I'm going to walk and do the stairs, the shoes can not make my feet unhappy.

sewchick57 Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

@SteveB I also avoided blood pressure meds by getting my weight down a bit.

@evestrat That type of shoe doesn't make my feet happy. The tongues always rub on the top of my foot or the heel sticks out too far behind for stairs. I found a pair of leather loafers. They're $75 bucks. I'll own a pair as soon as I can get it worked into my budget.

You might look for a store that specializes in running shoes that can analyze your gaite. The issues you're experiencing with shoes could be related to the way you walk. They have you walk on a treadmill and video your stride. From that they can recommend a proper shoe.


I just dance bro... the days of looking myself in the mirror naked are passed gone. Now I got to be dressed so I could say.... look at that pretty shirt... those are great shoes... nice haircut!!! I got dumb bells by my bed but are more self defense. You just made me pick them up and do a few routines for first time this year! Shame on you, I am tired... I went dancing last night and waking up at 10:30 was too early.

@SteveB yep, I like the fun part... I do recalled my son's housewarming party on 2016 and a competition broke out between men and women who could do more pushups... in 30 seconds. That is not my kind of competition in a party... I was used to the most tequila shots or something like that... anyways my son showed off big time doing double digit pushups with a girl on his back. Today's youth are something else and not always for the worst. Keep it up bro.


I do a number of things: I exercise at night by tossing and turning all night. Sometimes it takes all my strength to turn over. At least with shorter hair I'm not holding myself down. I also walk -- to the bathroom, back from the bathroom, to the bathroom, back.... takes up a lot of the night! In the daytime, I walk too. Into the other room, can't remember what I was doing, so back I go. Then I remember, so I go into the other room but see something on the way and take care of that and go back. Then I remember I still haven't gotten what I was going for....I also do cardio. Touch my toes putting on socks, touch my toes putting on shoes. Finally I do cross country skiing. Well, I hate the cold so I have a glider machine and use that to cross country. I glide for 15 minutes or so and I can feel my buns getting tight (cramping, feeling tight, same thing). Whew! I'm tired just thinking about all the exercise I do every day. Time to take a break. Maybe a I can begin anew, tossing and turning...😉

EllenDale Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

@SteveB If it's done often enough, the miles rack up!


@Stevil I prefer the workout that starts with a partner...

@Stevil oh yes 😉


I rotate all kinds of things - this morning is gorgeous - so I walked some miles in a really nice local park. I start every morning with yoga. When I go to the gym - at least 5 days of the week, I do cardio and weights. I hike often - lots of gorgeous wooded trails nearby. Then there's kayaking. And I do most local errands by bicycle. Also put the bike on the car rack, and visit the numerous paved trails around here.

Use it, or lose it !

evergreen Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

@SteveB Thanks. I've always been an outdoors junkie, and with weather like we have here, one can heavily indulge , and be paid handsomely in wildlife ! Fortunate !


two bowls of blue dream and watch adventure movies.

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 11, 2018



I've been working on getting a six-pack. My exercise regime for this consists of walking to the shop, buying a six-pack of whichever beer they've got on a special offer, then walking home and drinking it. 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

Oh yeah! I forgot about raising my spirits. The bar is only a block away. I drive there, raise spirits in a couple of glasses, then drive home. 🙂

@EllenDale If you increased to several glasses, it'd probably be great for upper arm muscle definition.

@SteveB @Jnei More than two and I'm under the table. Gives a new meaning to cheap date 🙂


I use my "gallopers" to zip up and down the long hallway of my apartment building three times, which replaces all my stretches, lifting, etc., makes my abs hard as rock, makes me limber, builds muscles on neck and back, etc.

I do eight pull-ups in the room, from a broom handle jammed under a ledge on top of my wardrobe.

I take the elevator to the ground floor and walk up to my fifth floor. Or just try to remember to skip the elevator once a day.

I walk five blocks to the store to buy fresh produce, since I have no refrigerator. I walk to the store to buy crushed ice to chill my evening boiled egg.

I walk anywhere I need to go, or take a songtheaw, after walking to the main road to catch one.

I take early morning walks to photograph birds, lugging a Canon EOS 7d /400mm lens.

birdingnut Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

What are gallopers?

@Rudy1962 "Gallopers" are this crazy invention I came up with in 2010 after observing how my tiny terrier was easily outrunning me. I thought about how crocodiles move, vs mammals, and, using what was near me in the woods, made a device that gives me the "four-footed advantage."

I can lope like a wolf for hours, even with a heavy backpack, on steep, stony trails without tiring or slipping, even hands-free. Because I move like a deer, wild birds and animals aren't afraid to let me approach.

Friends who borrowed it even for a few minutes noticed their abs became rock hard overnight, their shoulder muscles hardened, and their strength seemed to double. They began demanding I sell them one, but so far, I've not licensed it, and if I gave them one, it would be "disclosure" and prevent me getting a patent.

One prototype I made can fit in a backpack, but they are all homemade from parts bought at local Thai hardware stores. I would much prefer one made with nano-carbon that can fit into a purse.

I can say this because there are no religious people, but when I use the gallopers, something in my "reptile brain" is triggered and it feels like I'm "coming home" and everything is normal again. It also makes me feel euphoric, probably because it presses on certain pressure points.

@birdingnut damn! I need a pair!


I'm doing hiking with the aim of prepping for my targeted hike of the Colorado trail this summer. I'm carrying a 15 lbs pack and planning to up it by 5 to 10 lbs per month 'til June. I hike at least twice per week with an elevation gain of 500 feet minimum.

I'm also doing stationary bike 3 to 4 times per week for 30 to 35 minutes. I hate it because it is boring as hell when I can get outdoors on my bike this spring I'll be happy I did it.

marmot84 Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

I carry a 15-pound pack since I was on steroids for a week. Dont forget, stationary bikes don't get you anywhere!


None. Life. I eat reasonably and my work is physical. I have never been in a workout gym and hope to keep it that way.

CallMeDave Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

I walk the two miles to work, which by the way is 20 miles a week. By making exercise part of the commute, assuming I want to work and get paid, it happens, no discipline required.

Tominator Level 6 Feb 11, 2018

I run half a mile for warm up, stretch, lift until I feel it in my whole body, run a mile, stretch, shower. The whole process takes between an hour to two hours depending on how I feel, and I try to make it to the gym at least two times a week, max four.

It shows .


Right now I'm doing pull up and walking every 12 hours for one week.

Lol. Will you please teach me that trick of walking for a week every twelve hours. I love your humour! ROFL Me, I'm just walking one step backwards for every foot that I fall down the cliff. If that was the typo demon at work mate I apologize ... it was so funny. 8)


I keep my cardio to a minimum. New studies show that large amounts of cardio in men over 40 actually reduces testosterone. I lift and get most of my cardio from martial arts.

Taijiguy Level 6 Feb 11, 2018

Thanks for that @Taijiguy I'll smack my trainer with that next time she yells at me for not going hard enough in the cardio!

@FrayedBear just in case you thought I was full of it...

@Taijiguy Thanks for that info. My exercise is no where near that level of intensity - in fact I'm still trying to get a quack to explain how I can stand on one leg with a crushed knee, no cruciate ligaments and the exterior ligament missing. I've forwarded your link on to my trainer for her future use.

Somebody told me that lifting drops T levels, but then nearly doubles it afterward, just hearsay.

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