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Passing on this very interesting and worrisome article. It pulls together many thoughts I already had in a well written package. Is there a cure? Is there hope?

The American Idiot

David_ver_3 5 July 20
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Calling names is in itself low...and thus I started reading it...and it does make sense....

But calling Americans "idiots" is like calling a below normal IQ person an idiot. -

-it will not make him/her smarter...

-it will only make them dig in their heals and resist change even more.

Offer solutions.
Offer ways out of the mess.
But don't offer "tags" and degradation. That just makes you look even worse.

Robecology Level 9 July 21, 2020

Don't wanna be an American Idiot!

Mofo1953 Level 9 July 20, 2020

Going by their stained's too late for them.

@Robecology well, after selling close to 25 million albums all over the world, which neither you nor I have ever done, I can see them flaunting their tats all the way to the bank.

@Mofo1953 Well...DJT is considered an idiot by many....and apparently he's wealthy. Wealth does not undo idiocy!

@Robecology all the members of Green Day are talented and whatever they have has been earned with the hits they've made. The turd you compare them with is a talentless asshole, a fucking traitor and a moron. No comparison whatsoever.


The idiot in chief in the white house is accelerating our downfall.

noworry28 Level 8 July 20, 2020

Agreed. And possibly his election is a sign of how far we had already fallen. If he gets re-elected I'm not sure there is hope for the USA; I'll move overseas. I am fearful that USA will become either dangerous or have severely restricted personal freedom.

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