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Just thought I'd check in to report I live off one of the back roads of north Florida, deep in Trump Country, and I hate it here.
But I bought my place cheap, for cash, and can't afford to sell and leave, so I think
I'm stuck here for good!
I've become a total recluse and only leave for groceries, and can't stand looking at those ignorant yahoos.
A fate worse than death.
Wish me luck.

Storm1752 8 Nov 2
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Good luck , Hon .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 3, 2021

I live in florida also.... The dumbshits run in the other direction when they see me coming!!


My fiance taught me how to have a good time wherever we were. She made Georgia fun (never thought I would say that). There are things to do, if you enjoy nature. Just avoid the rubes, but there are cool things to get into.


I can identify. Got this place in Bourbon, Mo. from my now dead parents and all I have to do was pay it off. Never had a mortgage so cheap. Some say my ex left me because she became aware I would never leave here. I'm finding now that it may be true and I live in an area of 1200 or so in "Trump country." I'm now a recluse by design and if not working I'm all about home, inside and out. Just spent $1800 to have giant tree limbs cut that threaten my mobile and my shed. I have a half acre of land and my passion is TV, movies, music, and activism. I'm an old man who is a computer nerd. I can watch TV and news from all over the world.
Meanwhile, my ex is in the Dallas area in a fancy apartment complex.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 2, 2021

I can emphathize with you. I grew up in Madison County, just west of you, but there is no way in hell that I could live there today. By he way, the hospital in Hamilton County is named for my first cousin.

wordywalt Level 9 Nov 2, 2021
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