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Floridians should not complain about being cold. We have it good compare to the other states.

noworry28 8 Jan 31
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Check out articles on hypothermia deaths on this site.

weldy Level 4 Feb 1, 2019

People who don't have profile pics shouldn't offer advice!!

sapiofile Level 5 Jan 31, 2019

Feel free not to read any of my posts or take any of my advises.


High 30’s low 40’s in morning. It has been warming a bit but the apartment doesn’t. The temp starts going down again and I dread getting a shower. I’ve been cold for the last week here in sunny Florida.

Supposed to go up into the 70’s with lows in 50’s. Can’t wait.

kltuckmn Level 7 Jan 31, 2019

I've studied the science. We really do get "thinner" blood. The amount of lipids flowing in Central/southern Floridian blood is significantly lower in the winter after being here just a few we tend to react to cold more "acutely" than our "hearty"/Thick-blooded northern neighbors.


Robecology Level 9 Jan 31, 2019

We do indeed ! Regardless of the temps - there's always green to look at.

evergreen Level 8 Jan 31, 2019

So true.I lived in California my whole life, until moving to SW Florida 6 years ago. I love the warm water and white sandy beaches. The ocean temps on the Central Coast of Ca. were 55 degrees. And I actually enjoy our summers more, because of our afternoon thunderstorms. Having become acclimated to this environment, it's not so much of a complaint, but an impatience with the colder temps. I DID go out and buy 2 new sweatshirts for my daily long walks on the beach. I don't remember it being this chilly for the last years I've lived here. I have some good friends in Wisconsin that are dealing with some extreme temps. So I am grateful for what I have.

Claudio43 Level 4 Jan 31, 2019

Yep, I just moved to Florida from MI and I have no complaints whatsoever! I'm cold here in the mornings, but usually the sun is shining and the sky is blue... something you don't see often during the MI winter.


I understand what you are saying, but when it's 50ish here on the gulf, the moisture in the air makes it feel worse.
That and I just don't have any "winter wear", like I did when I used to live up north.

I understand, but it's a lot better than living in the north.

@noworry28 On the flip side, northers don't have to deal with 8-9 months of 100+ degrees.

@TristanNuvo . That is what air conditioner is for. I'll take that.


I am bemused by these people I see out in flip flops and tee shirts, complaining they're cold. PUT ON SOME CLOTHES. Get out your winter sweatshirt!

DeStijl Level 6 Jan 31, 2019
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