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Hello all. Thanks for creating this group. I currently live in Kissimmee (16 years). Before that I lived in east Orlando near UCF (20 years). This is a great place to talk about the good and bad things that come with living in Florida. Is anyone else still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane IRMA like me?

kensmile4u 8 Mar 9
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My Dad lives in Kissimmee and I was up there to during Irma because Ft Lauderdale was on the path of Irma when I headed up. So, fortunately, I was there to help him with the cleanup.

Do you feel like the only non-religious person living in Kissimmee? My dad became a right-wing Methodist living there.

I definitely feel out numbered on the religious issue. This used to be a cattle ranch town. That conservative heritage is still here but it's fading. Tourism is the main industry now. There is a large Puerto Rican community here who tend to be politically liberal so that helps. Trump has been very polarizing to this area. I have many friends here. Some of them revealed a level of intolerance that I can't be part of so they are no longer friends. Many groups of friends and families have been divided in the same way by Trump's destructive style of Identity politics. The music community here is mostly open minded and inclusive which is the same everywhere I've lived. I've been thinking our next President should be a musician. It's going to take big love to fix the big hate that is currently shattering our country.


I still have some large tree branches in my back yard, but thankfully other than that its been ok. Some of my relatives in Puerto Rico however are still dealing with Irma, they are still without light after the hurricane season.

JamesA91 Level 5 Mar 10, 2018

I think it's wrong for the recovery effort in Puerto Rico to take as long as it has. But all I know about that is through the scope of the media. Does the information coming from your relatives match what the media has been reporting?

@kensmile4u Kind of, the problem is that many of the large media corporations don't really do a good job staying up to date with what is happening there (at least not anymore), which is why I rely more on local television stations on the island. Other nations don't know what is going on there, I asked an atheist friend from Spain and she didn't even know that Puerto Rico was still in a blackout after so many days. So I think the national media here is trying to cover up how federal government is treating the island. That for me is disturbing, as well as congress not viewing the need to make Puerto Rico a state which the island voted to become around June last year.

@JamesAnthony I agree it should be a state if that's what they want. It appears to me from the media and several friends i have who also have relatives there that the republican party (including Trump) has a bias against Puerto Rico. I have my thoughts on this problem but I was wondering what you think this is all that about?

@kensmile4u Politics above need, in my opinion. Conservatives are concerned that if it becomes a state, it would lean left. The island is in a lot of debt as well (around 123 billion dollars), its energy authority is bankrupt due to the hurricane damage demand, and a federal junta is currently arbitrating how the local government is using its funding. They don't want the United States to inherit this problem, and thats mainly the reason why its never discussed about among the republican party.

The local government periodically holds a special election called a "plebiscite vote" to conduct a political survey on how its inhabitants feel what should be Puerto Rico's future political status. Its usually done every 10 years and it is paid in large part by the people living there. Once it is complete that goes to congress, and they decide what to do next (or not do anything at all). But this time around it was historic since 90% voted for statehood and its the first time that has ever happened.

@JamesAnthony Well big things come from little gestures. I vow to vote non red across the ticket in November. We need to get those corporate corrupted hypocrite old bastards out of our government.

@kensmile4u I agree, and we have two elections also, one for governor and for senate. Glad this governor is leaving, hopefully voters will choose more wisely this time around.


In my area (Leesburg) there's not much residue left from Irma other than some areas that might still have tree limbs at the road. I was going to Key West this past Christmas but was told to not go by friends there. They still had some issues going on.

Darthpug Level 7 Mar 10, 2018

I have friends on Big Pine Key that need a new roof but they were lucky. There was a lot of damage to homes and businesses.


I lived in Kissimmee for about 10 years.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

What made you move from East Orlando down to Kissimmee? I used to live in east Orlando also. Now I’m closer to downtown. No residue from Irma here but the experience is something I’d rather never experience again.

Hazydays Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

I lived in Orlando for a year but moved to Kissimmee because it was less expensive although a lot less fun

I worked at Lockheed Martin for 25 years as an Aerospace engineer then as a manager. I began my career working at the east plant off of Lake Underhill Road. I was transferred to the west plant at the south end of Kirkman Road. I hated the cross town commute. There was always construction on 408 and on I-4. So I decided to move. I always dreamed of living on lakefront property because i am I am a lifelong boater, waterskier, and fisherman. I started shopping for lakefront property in Lake, Orange, and Osceola counties. I bought a lot on West Lake Toho in the Kissimmee area and built a house there. I retired from Lockheed a few years ago. My house and property was damaged by a tornado during hurricane IRMA. I need a new roof on my house, the boat house roof was also damaged as well as the shed. The pool screens were all blown out and the pool filled with debris. The pool heater and AC units were also damaged.There is a long list of other damages that i won't bore you with but the insurance company has not cooperated well enough to get anything fixed. I ended up suing them. I'm still slogging through that process. It sucks!

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