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Anyone agree that its a bit hypocritical to protest about things like the plastic can holders and balloons free, and
animal cruelty, etc, then go home to your dinner plate full of dead animal?

LottieConway 4 June 1
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Some camera crew should sneak into a slaughter house and take some shots. I think if people could see the horror they'd think a little bit.

Aristopus Level 7 June 2, 2019

There are lots of documentaries where they do exactly that. Many people have stopped eating meat and dairy because of them.


Absolutely! Why don't they eat their pets?!? I DO consume cruelty-free yogurt and eggs, but that's as far as I'll go!
Their problem is, if they really thought about the destruction meat consumption, on a mass, factory-produced scale, causes not only to the animals themselves and our bodies, but also to the environment in every way imaginable, they'd stop immediately.
But apparently their thinking never goes that far. Most people either are ignorant or don't care. And to be honest, in the vast scheme of things it doesn't matter much.
A million years from now we'll have either advanced beyond this painful era, moved to the moon or another solar system maybe, gone extinct, etc., and the planet will have cleansed itself and recovered.
But it's still shameful and I won't be a part of it.

Storm1752 Level 8 June 2, 2019

Totally agree. Though at least some folks are conscious of some things - everyone has to start somewhere !

But now I'm sure there will be a myriad of comments justifying the endless cruelties we exact on food animals, in order for some to feel better about continuing to do it. Inevitable.

evergreen Level 8 June 1, 2019

I think its good to examine our choices and old patterns of thought. Maybe they don't serve us anymore. I see this topic provokes a lot of anger. That just means we need to figure out why we are so easily triggered. I hate to see people be so unkind to each other. We are all on the same path.


No; I honestly don't see the hypocrisy of being intensely concerned about conservation ecology, yet also being a meat eater.

Several reasons;

#1 You don't have to eat "high" on the food chain to have a diet that includes meat. You can use more fish and birds (chicken) and fewer hooved animals (beef, sheep, pork). Almost all of the meat available today is sustainable, not endangered nor threatened.

#2. There's lots of research going on to make easy-to-grow insects, yeast, and other non-animal sources in to a food powder that's the main ingredient in "impossible-burgers"...[]

#3. Plastics are also going through changes. Many are now plant-based. Many now have a much faster decomposition built in to their molecular structure. They're thinner...even the caps are smaller.

#4. Animal gas and wastes account for only 9% of greenhouse gases. see this; []

#5. The two biggest factors that affects your carbon footprint is your family size choice and your primary car choice. []

People- couples who are child-free and drive an E.V. have a far smaller Eco footprint

If you're serious about reducing emissions, changing your diet is not too effective.

Restoring, Renewing, Reusing, and Recycling is effective.

Family planning is effective. Car choice is effective.

Lifestyle changes with plastics, avoiding balloon use, etc is far more effective than eating lower on the food chain (more vegan, less/no meat).

Robecology Level 9 June 1, 2019

It has always made me think . Take religion, God creates the earth and then gives it trees and plants. Such a wonderful creation that is able to get it;s energy via photosynthesis. Then he creates human and tells then you must kill and consume live tissue in order to survive. Plants and animals need be killed for gods fuck up.

EMC2 Level 8 June 1, 2019

EVERYRHING we eat -- plant or animal-- is or was a living thing.

wordywalt Level 9 June 1, 2019

@SamMcGlone No, simply a fact. If you choose to eat only plants, that is your choice. But, don't push your choices on others. We get too much of that from religious people and political demagogues.

@wordywalt did sammcglone disappear? Or he just blocked me and perhaps others?

@Zoohome It is no loss. I found his aggressiveness repulsive.


I don't think its hypocritical. I work in the food industry. I am directly over raising commercial chickens for food consumption. We raise them to the best and most humane way.
We follow animal welfare regulations and we are always implementing better practices.
Our industry is heavily watched by entities making sure we follow animal welfare as well as food processing regulations.
I love animals but I also eat meat. Nature cycle.

Zoohome Level 8 June 1, 2019

Nope plastic is a man-made pollution eating animals is not except for the industrial production of animals my PETA is people eating tasty animals

bobwjr Level 10 June 1, 2019

@SamMcGlone argue about sentience and was a joke Numbnuts

@SamMcGlone why would you be that rude? I don't think you need to take this path

@SamMcGlone maybe you need more evolution if it weren't for improved farming you would be extinct man evolved eating meat even monkeys do it recently vegetables couldn't support larger brains an egg is not sentient nor is cheese being vegan is a choice not viable without advanced farming grow up

@SamMcGlone You can disagree without resorting to name calling. Your comment is totally uncalled for and offensive.

@SamMcGlone asshole closed minded hypocrite everyone has the right to do their conscious you know Dipshit what scientific training do you have mine is medical degree and medical research what did you study your navel did you serve your country or your close minded self that is the trouble with flakes like yourself maybe when you pull your head out of your ass you may realize that

@SamMcGlone typical you have money can afford vegan diet many people can't can't refute your position too stupid to justify yourself what a idiot


In the same line of thinking, I often see and hear people that refuse to eat GMO food. Again it is understandable however we need to go this pathway. We need to open up towards population. If we really eliminate abortion, make wonderful advances is medicine, refuse people birth control and limit social programs there really is no recovery in sight.

EMC2 Level 8 June 1, 2019

That is an ify I do not like killing things as most people do not. But any living tissue on this planet must consume living or recently dead tissue. It is nature.
With this I totally support synthetic food. Mother natures system is disturbing but very real. If we are NOT going to address population expansion and control, like we do all living species we have contact with, we cannot remain stupid. We eat out of survival. How can we demand to eat more animals and then develop processes which reduce their life to a mere meal. We will need to raise to the level of star trek and have the computer synthetically prepare our meal.

EMC2 Level 8 June 1, 2019

Not really, for several reasons. But suffice to say my dinner plates are never "full of dead animal" as I am omnivorous. Besides, it is not more hypocritical than vegans eating living organisms or vegans who wear leather shoes. We all do what we can to keep our planet clean, we recycle, use earth bags, etc so I suggest you climb down from your vegan high horse and be more tolerant and accepting of others who don't share your views on diet. []

Mofo1953 Level 9 June 1, 2019

@SamMcGlone You need to tone it down your mind is obviously not evolved enough to have a coherent arguement so you stoop to insults.

@SamMcGlone . What you are doing is no different than what the religious Christians, muslims, and other religions do. Trying to force your views and beliefs onto others. Respect everyone's choice

@SamMcGlone No I enjoy calling out immature people that have brains the size of peas. If that is the best you can do go pop another IPA and don't let your mother bite you.


No, I can't agree.

MojoDave Level 9 June 1, 2019

Trying to open a can of worms? No. I don’t agree with you. No, I am not going into any detail.

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