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Is there any truth to the "drink more water" advice?

Here's my experience with it:

  • If I don't drink water, I will get thirsty
  • If I drink water I don't get thirsty

What am I missing? Why should I drink more than I feel like?

Radu 7 July 29
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Not enough water slows the process.

Pushing dry stools out is really S - L - O - W !

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 9, 2020

There's such a thing as excessive water...but that's extremely rare. It often occurs in marathon runners who are hydrating excessively.

That being's better to err on the the side of excess than not enough.

Our bodies are mostly water. 80-90%.

It carries good stuff to cells, bad stuff out.

Excessive keeps things moving.
Not enough slows the process.

I won't google the can do that....but I've known folk who are suffering - from dialysis patients to folks who died because they didn't hydrate enough.

So go with the excess. IMO.

Robecology Level 9 July 29, 2020

Drinking water removes toxins from the body.. A good indicater that you are drinking enough water is a clear urine stream.. If urine is yellow, drink more water...


Our bodies consist of 60% water and we need to maintain that level to remain healthy. Quite often we lose more water than we think, especially in hot weather or by exertion and unless we replace it sufficiently our bodies do not function properly. It’s a very common problem in older people to have bladder and kidney problems due to insufficient fluid intake. Younger people seem to carry bottles of water with them at all times, so perhaps this is a problem that will be eliminated from future generations.

It sounds very simple the way you put it...drink if you feel thirsty, but what if your brain is not sending you the signal often enough, you then become dehydrated. I find as I get older I have to actively remind myself to drink a glass or two of water at times during the day, because I know it is beneficial to my skin, brain and kidney functions.

Marionville Level 10 July 29, 2020

@Radu I think there’s quite a lot of data on clear skin and drinking water.

@Radu I think our NHS recommends it, and being British I tend to follow their advice. In any case, even if it doesn’t help the skin, it has the other benefits I mentioned, and it certainly will do the skin no harm.

@Radu The information I have is that the following are all benefits of drinking sufficient water on the skin...sufficient means 2.5 litres per day for women and 3.5 for men. (This will include all water based beverages i.e. coffee, tea etc., and fruit and vegetables with high water content)

  1. Improves skin tone by helping to flush out toxins and increase blood flow to the skin.
  2. Prevents premature ageing because hydrating the skin helps it to keep its elasticity and by keeping it
    moisturised for longer, delays sagging and wrinkles.
  3. Faster healing. If you’ve been exposed to too much sun, drinking water can accelerate the healing
  4. Reduces puffiness. When the skin gets puffy it means it’s retaining water to protect your body from
    dehydration, this happens when you don’t drink enough water. Drinking sufficient water will prevent
    this from happening in the first place.
  5. Prevents acne. Drinking ample water balances the oil and water content of the skin of your face.
    This helps to prevent excess oil and sebum secretion., which means fewer blocked pores and acne.

@Radu We drink more water than we think....I have at least 4 cups of tea a day and perhaps 2 coffees...then I drink a glass of water with my lunch and one with my evening meal. I also have a glass of fruit juice at breakfast, and then there is liquid in soups and fresh fruit and casseroles and lots of other foodstuffs. These are all part of our 2.5 or 3.5 litres, so an extra glass or two of water is all that is needed beyond a normal day’s consumption to bring it to that level. And no it isn’t anecdotal, it’s from the NHS website.

@Radu I drink tea and coffee by the pint, and I will have about ten pints per day (over 4.5 litres), which was probably as a consequence of smoking making me feel thirsty.

I didn't consider that I drank excessively, as my family drank copious quantities of tea. It does seem to be a British pastime, drinking tea.

From personal experience, I would agree with the benefits that Marionville pointed out. Certainly, people whom I have known to drink little fluid seemed to have skin that made them look older than their years.

@Radu Of course, it may just be down to having the right genes, but people used to consistently guess that I was ten years younger than my actual age, despite having been a smoker for most of my life.

@Radu Well, yes, insofar as tea and coffee are mostly water.

@Radu Yes. In my case, the only evidence of my true age is grey hair that has developed around my ears. I have just realised that another significant factor is having fair skin, which gets easily sunburnt.

That does encourage the use of high factor sun cream and staying out of the sun, UV rays being something that is known to age skin. So, the reality is that it is probably due to a combination of all these factors,

It is worth noting that moisturising creams work by forming a barrier that prevents the skin from losing excessive moisture and hydrating the skin does lessen the appearance of wrinkles, so that aspect can be linked to fluids.

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