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Covid may be an Extinction-Level Event. The stupid will lead the charge. What the stupid don't understand is this? No workers. No food. No hospitals. No police. No law. Even the rich, when their bunkers run out of stuff. World Wars fought over scraps of supplies. Global warming, on top of it.

Best case scenario? Billions die. The world will be far better off with less stupid; unfortunately, the stupid take smart with them.

If stupid people followed the rules from the get-go, we might be in far better shape. You are very much to blame, but you're too stupid to know this.

Five years from now, the world will be one of two things:
Billions dead. And a smattering of humanity left living in misery. We're borderline now. This is only the beginning of terrible.

Tourirst 7 Aug 6
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Yes, people are stupid. Influenza has killed more people than all of our wars.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 7, 2021

I don’t think you have this in the right order.
Pandemics happened throughout history many far far worse.
Yet we survived.
But did we learn?
Influenza was the warning, the Black Plague, we see pandemics as the result of a lack of hygiene and something from our ignorant past.
There will be more.
Climate change however is the iceberg we are hurtling at. Then comes famine and rationing and political upheaval, that will stop the clock work of competent government that would otherwise invest in reversing the carbon footprint that’s causing the problem in the first place.
However if your politicians are climate deniers then that’s on the public, the stupid short sighted asshole public. You don’t have to convince the convinced, you have to convince the unconvinced like the pillow guy.
I’m not hopeful.

I heard that we are having a drought. I would have never thought this could happen here as it seems to rain most of the time. But I guess the wells have to be filled naturally and people are not supposed to use the rivers. I guess I just do not understand how the water naturally flows in this area. I never gave it any thought, it is so green. But then I also learned that the last heatwave of about a month ago cooked the trees and they are now dry enough to burn. This is not good as if there is another fire like the Tillamook Burn of earlier last century, we will all have a large problem.

@Willow_Wisp, you have a valid point and will update accordingly. I appreciate the critique. Thank you!!!

P.S. I have a bad habit of typing too fast, not checking for accuracy and posting. This is not the first time I have made mistakes that are off the mark.


Best case scenario -- YOUR crystal ball is broken. 😛

I hope you are right.

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