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There was a video of Noam Chomsky on the net this morning. Aside from what he said, he was dressed like some street sweeper; he looked worn out- and he also seemed to justify Putin. There can obviously be no justification for criminals like Putin or Trump.

One point I did agree with is the hypocrisy of the US- the world's # 1 arms dealer. The US is known for its wars. He mentioned Syria and Afghanistan. I did not watch the whole video, but I did not hear him mention Viet Nam- a country that the French couldn't beat into submission so th US tried to bomb it out of existence. The Viet Namese were in their own country minding their own business. What was the purpose of this war? Who have they invaded since the US was defeated?

Diogenes 8 Apr 16
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He wasn't justifying Putin. Explaining why the Russians invaded is different from justifying it.

Krish55 Level 8 Apr 18, 2022

There can be NO REPLY-- for these hundreds of thousands of MURDERS!

@Diogenes Hundreds of thousands? The real Diogenes searched for the truth. Do you? The real Diogenes didn't think he had the answer. Like the real Diogenes, do you search all sources?

I agree with what Chomsky said. To me, he looked at all points of view. He did look tired though, but at least his tirerdness was brought on by rational thinking- and work.
Good point, "Hundeds of thousands"! Ya, my exageration, but so many Putin MURDERS!
And do 'you' "search all sources"? From what I have read, Diogenese did not leave very many manuscrips and his living conditions were haggard, to say the least. That 'we' do have in common. Yes, it was pretentious of me to pick that name- I have often wished it was something else.

@Diogenes Diogenes searched out many people to find the truth. You should do the same if you really want to find out what's happening in Ukraine…


I empathize with Chomsky. We've done some pretty horrible things to many governments in the name of "liberation" where - for lack of a better word - it was simply imperialistic. We still think we're the world's police again...I empathize with his rant.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 16, 2022

"Police force?" What country starts the most wars in the world? And only the so-called evil empires use the word "liberate" as they enslave. Yes, yes, it's all a mixed up mess- but no country should rely on the 'war and murder industry' as a big part of their GNP

@Diogenes The latest count? nearly 200,000 U.S. enlistees in 51 different nations. The number is being reduced because we're technically "not at war".


"What was the purpose of this war?"

. . .you, and the video, have "20-20 hindsight" 😛

I have heard historians say :
(if not Vietnam, someplace else) US blood-and-treasure HAD to be expended to stop the Cold War era spread of Communism (the Domino Theory).


You have heard Western historians say that.

Other historians have different interpretations. The US was invading countries - The Philippines, Hawaii,, Central America and the Caribbean- before the existence of the Soviet Union.

So the logical interpretation is that the fear of communism was an excuse excuse meant to disguise the continued advance of US imperialism over other countries. One of the invaders himself admitted that. Major General Smedley Butler:

It is okay to correct me on this:I am not sure. I believe it was Monroe and his doctrine, which said it was alright to dictate to all of South America.

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