10 4

I have too much time on my hands.

What can a man do that a woman cannot?

The only thing that I've been able to come up with is that a woman cannot produce sperm.

SunshineEast 5 Sep 14
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Men can have selective deafness....they can tune out female voices. Of course, they also have selective blindness...they can't see the messes they've made. This is undoubtedly an evolutionary advantage.

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Sep 14, 2022

Women have much the same talents but don't seem to believe that they do. I do think that men are unable to focus on two things at once, as women can do (evolutionary because of a need to hold some focus on a child, when it comes along, at all times), but we don't know that. We think we can and act accordingly but when pressed for a reply we become aware of the limitation. We can't but most stuff doesn't require us to really do so. A mate is different.

@rainmanjr Men aren't NEARLY as adept at multi-focusing....undoubtedly because of their need to find prey, back in the old "bring home a mammoth, Sweetie" days.

@LucyLoohoo Yes. We needed to focus, not think, and react.


Monotask (i.e., can never be multitasked)

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 14, 2022

There are many things relating to center of gravity and upper body strength that most men can do that most women cannot. The key to that though is the word most.

Lorajay Level 9 Sep 14, 2022

Sexual dimorphism:

skado Level 9 Sep 14, 2022

We can write our name in the snow, and we can pretty easily pee most anywhere. That is about it. As usual it all has to do with the penis. 😁

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 14, 2022

How true….some men accuse women of having penis envy. I have to say I do envy the fact that you have the ability to pee just about anywhere outdoors…whereas it’s a major production for us women unless there’s a very large bush handy to nip behind!


Too long we've accepted the Judeo-Christian strategy that men are the dominant force, the leaders, in a relationship.

This is dying a slow - perhaps too slow - death in the world.

Women still don't make as much as men in comparing salaries of nearly all positions in nearly all careers.

"Gender pay gap in U.S. held steady in 2020"


Robecology Level 9 Sep 14, 2022

Don't forget Islam.


Men can interrupt a woman who's an expert in her field and then mansplain her discipline to her.
Women can't do that, some try but we name such women Karen.

Don’t you just thank your parents every day that they didn’t call you Karen?

@Marionville They have worse names for me, they're a bunch of fundamentalist MAGA morons living in rural Alabama, so F em.

@Marionville “I” sure do. And the only Karen I know IS truly a “Karen”.

@MsKathleen l know to ladies named Karen, both married to men l play music with. Fortunately, both are very nice ladies.

@Sticks48 I imagine life can sometimes be difficult for them.

Karen who? I live a sheltered life.

@MsKathleen my daughter-in-law is named Karen but she could never be that kind of Karen because she's passive-aggressive.

@MsKathleen I use to to tease them about it a little bit. 🙂

@Sticks48 so, you’re the one making their lives difficult…

@SunshineEast whenever anything sounds alien, consult the urban dictionary

@MsKathleen Thanks again. First it was "She Comes First". And now Urban Dictionary. I do like this site and its international flavor. 🙂


Maybe not--but we can certainly inspire their production! 🙂

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Sep 14, 2022



I’m sorry, but I really do have better things to exercise my grey matter on. And…Yes, I think you probably do (have too much time on your hands) !


Biologically you're correct. But I fail to see your point. What can a Biological woman do that a man can't? Just produce offspring from their womb?

Tejas Level 8 Sep 14, 2022

Don't forget nursing a newborn. That is important too. And then there is getting a man to do crazy things, like jumping through hoops. 🙂

@SunshineEast This is a group for freekthinkers…I’m host of the Group so I do know. However, I think this is less freethinking and more random screw-loose thinking!

@Marionville It probably is but I have enjoyed the interactions with the members of this group. I think a lot of my stuff is "heavy". This is a bit of levity. Feel free to purge it in your capacity as the group's moderator. My feelings will not be hurt. I will not feel offended.

@SunshineEast No…I won’t do that, I’m not in the habit of being overly censorious!

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