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I would appreciate it if you would share with me any exception that you have with the following. It would be helpful if you would share with me your thinking about the item.

"We are born with conscious and subconscious memories. Soon after birth, one begins populating their subconscious memory. Conscious learning follows soon after. Subconscious memory is populated by everything that one senses, e.g., hears, sees, smells, tastes, touches, feels, discomfort and pain. Conscious memory is populated by one’s rational thinking. We are born with the ability to think deeply and reason inductively and to have feelings including the duality of pleasure and anxiety. We innately seek pleasure and avoid anxiety. We manage discomfort/pain. Intuition and creativity are a consequence of deep thinking encompassing both memories. Predilections are a consequence of one’s more strongly felt feelings. Their relative strengths are established during conception according to one’s genome. From nursing, the newborn experiences pleasure and learns causality. A baby distinguishes between how A is different from B and that B happens after A happened, i.e. causality. Upon self-recognition, around 2-3 years old, one begins developing a sense of self upon which one is taught empathy and compassion. One acquires gender traits from their early experiences observing their parents and siblings and their predilections that are subsequently reinforced through experiences with others."

I am striving to understand living life.The above is "my best guess until something better comes along". I encourage your comments. I recognize that we all sense the same things, like a camera or sound recorder, and capture the moment in our subconscious memory like the memory in a smartphone. When processed by our conscious mind, we associate meaning to the moment. What, depends upon one’s knowledge, their worldview including how they perceive themself in the world and what questions they ask. One may “see” things that another does not. I strive to learn what you "see". Thanks.

SunshineEast 5 Sep 15
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Are you a Ph.D. scientist or psychologist? You think you are an expert.

This is typical of insecure men full of hot air and bravado. You need to cite your sources.

No I am not. My assertions are based upon observations of what is generally accepted as being and inductive logical reasoning. I am seeking reasonable explanations of why things are the way they are. I ponder things like, what does a newborn learn from their moment of birth to when they reach their age of self-recognition? What do you think a newborn learns? I think outside the box. My belief system enables me to do so.


I suggest you learn to think analytically.

anglophone Level 9 Sep 15, 2022

I thought that I was. What do you take issue with?

@SunshineEast What peer reviewed evidence do you have to support your claim "We are born with conscious and subconscious memories."?

You contradict yourself with ""We are born with conscious and subconscious memories. Soon after birth, one begins populating their subconscious memory."

The idea of "populating a subconscious memory" is absurd.

Your "Subconscious memory is populated by everything that one senses, e.g., hears, sees, smells, tastes, touches, feels, discomfort and pain. Conscious memory is populated by one’s rational thinking." rejects the idea that conscious memory can and does include feelings and emotions.

And all the above is just for starters - I have more important things to do with my time than go through the rest of your post.

(Ping @Betty)

We are born with a brain that contains memory as a computer is built with memory. In a computer the memory is populated with instructions after the computer is built. I don't know if a fetus's memory is populated before birth but a newborn begins populating its memory with data soon after birth, for sure upon the first time it is brought to its mother's breast.

There is a difference between data and information. One's conscious mind mines the data for information. For example, we all see the same things as a camera does but we give meaning to what we see differently. W are born with an ability to think "deeply" and to reason inductively. We learn from the get go.

What is the basis for intuition and predilection?


Hard to follow.

You're rambling.

You trace our evolution as an organism from birth to humanization...but why?

You're 85.

You're close to the end.

Time to get solid with your feelings.

I'm guessing you're still struggling with why you're here..

.and what's going to happen when you're gone?

I welcome you to peruse these brilliant memes by Richard Dawkins...

Robecology Level 9 Sep 15, 2022

Wow! I never anticipated such a response. You seem to be answering the question, "Why was he thinking about those things?" I am not struggling with why I am here. History suggests The that we exist to evolve. I have no issue with that. I'm not wondering what is going to happen with me. The Universe exists, awashed in electromagnetic energy. All things are made from energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. Upon “death” of a life form, its energy transforms over time and returns to the Universe. "Your close to the end." Your right on that. I think that I'm in a good position to try to understand what living life is about.

The quoted material is from my writing that addresses that. I'm trying to address a whole bunch of questions. From where do we get our gender traits? What is the source of one intuition and predilections? Why don't we all "see" the same things? Our eyes are like camera. Our ears are like a recording device. Our tactile sense react the same way. My thinking is driven by my observations and inductive reasoning. What I've written is my attempt to develop a explanation that fits together. It is my best guess until something better comes along.

I've come to this group seeking inputs that suggest a better way.

Pointedly, what do you take issue with and why?

For those who believe in a God, their answer is straightforward.

I seek functional explanations. There is a reason for everything. Keep in mind: Charles Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” was published in 1859. That neurons, i.e., neurotransmitters, can communicate by releasing chemicals was confirmed in 1921. The first human genome sequences, although incomplete, were published in 2001. Our knowledge is relatively recent. We are just beginning to learn about deep learning/thinking.

I'm not 85, I'm 86. It is nice to be 86, soon to be 87. I bring a lot of first hand experiences to my thinking. My problem is in recalling them. 🙂

Thanks for your comment. I encourage you to be critical about my thinking.


You're still rambling!!

Why do you state the obvious?

You said...rather redundantly (repeating what you've already said) "the Universe exists, awashed in electromagnetic energy. All things are made from energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. Upon “death” of a life form, its energy transforms over time and returns to the Universe. For those who believe in a God, their answer is straightforward. There is a reason for everything. Keep in mind: Charles Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” was published in 1859. That neurons, i.e., neurotransmitters, can communicate by releasing chemicals was confirmed in 1921. The first human genome sequences, although incomplete, were published in 2001. Our knowledge is relatively recent. We are just beginning to learn about deep learning/thinking."


You sound like the rap on the Dr. Bonner's peppermint soap bottle.

Why say the obvious?

What's your point?'re just saying lots of unnecessary stuff.

Read the other comments.

I'm not the only one who's suggesting you're just rambling.


Be specific.

The community is here to help...

but only if you can specify what you want.

You seem to be having a hard time doing that.

I think @literatehiker is off by calling you a "typical insecure man" - but she's responded twice; so she, too, is trying to help you...I wouldn't call it typical of your manhood...more typical of a a confused person (of either sex).

But I sincerely hope you get a grip on what you're struggling with!

@Robecology Do I understand you correctly? Are you suggesting that I should state the conclusion and then explain upon what it is based? Or maybe not offer the explanation unless asked for it? For example; Intuition and creativity is a consequence of deep learning of the contents of the conscious and subconscious memories. While we experience the exact same thing, we may see it differently. One's choices are driven by innate feelings of pleasure and anxiety. One's predilections are driven by one's innate feelings of pleasure. One's gender traits are acquired beginning with observations of their parents and siblings, driven by innate feelings of pleasure. All this happens before a child gains self-recognition.

As for the obvious, I'm not sure of what is the "obvious". Thus, I do not assume an "obvious".

As for my "ramblings", they make perfect sense to me. I suspect I'm too close to the subject matter.

There is obvious a disconnect between what I'm assuming about the potential readership and what it is. The error is mine.

Thank you for your comments and concern.

@SunshineEast You could do with an editor but I'm able to decipher the writing. As for the subject I found this video really close to what I think:

As for purpose in life I have always thought dad would have told me this:



I tried to read your rambling wall of words. You incorrectly present your opinions as facts. Cite your source. You lost me with:

I recognize that we all sense the same things and capture the moment in our subconscious memory.


People do not all sense the same things. Over 48 years of hiking, 99% of the time I am the only person who gasps at a beautiful view and blissfully savors it. I stop to take a picture. Must run to catch up.

Often men lack emotional intelligence. It is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Understanding their feelings and other people's feelings.

For survival, women have been conditioned to pay attention to voice tone, changing moods, nuances of behavior and the feelings of others.

Here is an experiment. You are about to read the word ddddddddddddddd"dog". In detail, describe what came to your mind.

What do you think I had in my mind when I keyed in d o g?

It is readily observable that we all have a conscious and a subconscious memories. We have the ability to think deeply and reason inductively. We all see hear, smell taste and touch the same things. We have neurotransmitters that release chemicals, e.g., dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins, that raise feelings including pleasure and anxiety. Where do our predilections and intuition come from? They can be reasonably explained applying inductive logic that intuition is a consequence of what deep thinking of our memories and our predilection is a consequence of our response to our feelings, we innately seek pleasure and avoid anxiety.

What our senses detect are captured in our subconscious memory as data is captured in digital computer memory. It is in the processing of that data that we realize information. That processing is what happens by our conscious mind. It is what your conscious does that gives meaning to what you experience. Yes, your conscious mind can be conditioned.

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