2 5

I found myself at just the plus side of 50 left with a “WTF? Over?” thought in my head. They say lowest point, right? Trust me I'd been lower but at this point I wasn't given a choice of staying in hell or getting out, I was being rudely ejected from hell into who knows what.

That's where I was. Like everyone, I went through emotion after emotion, shitty action after shitty action. I finally settled on educating myself on what the heck just happened in my life, why and how to prevent a repeat.

I began doing just that, educating myself about my situation. I could feel myself getting stronger and stronger as I learned more each day. Soon I turned my learning inward. That's when things started to really click. When I began to fully understand my shortcomings and failures I realized that among all humans I've ever met, I among them am the most ignorant fool of all. I accepted this fact. I devoted myself to being less of an ignorant fool every single day for the rest of my life. My life had improved a lot to that point. That decision brought about even greater change.

I'm becoming whole. I'm picking up signals. I'm processing faster and more data than ever. I'm tuning into my emotional and spiritual side which is stronger and deeper than I ever imagined. I am unconquerable, only by death itself. Negative energy flees in my presence or is flung away without a calorie burned.

I like where I am but I'm in love with the travel. It's about the journey and along the way there are destinations that defy description. What is life about? Learning and growing. If you're not learning and growing, you're dying.

Enjoy life

FvckY0u 8 May 19
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About 50 seems to be the magic number to make a "mid course correction" if needed in one's life. I was 50 when I decided to change my direction, so at 51 I made the courageous decision to move to a different state and start my life over with just 2 suitcases and a skill set. Didn't know if I would be successful, but I made it, and never looked back.

I'm so much happier being in control of my own happiness, able to do or not do anything I want, able to enjoy the pastimes I wasn't allowed in my former life. Feeling stronger, more capable, and learning to treat people with a lot more grace who are also just living their life, not oppressing me.

There comes a time in one's life you just have to take stock of what we've got, what we want, and how to get there, and then just do it. Worked for me!

Julie808 Level 8 May 19, 2023

This was an "aging" year for me. Fell off the bike in February...and still have a swollen shoulder in May. Can't jog any more...hurts the knees too much (yea, even with support elastic). So I'm feeing the age thing a lot more these days.

Getting older ain"t what it's knocked up to be.

Robecology Level 9 May 19, 2023



I see joggers who are elderly struggling with their jog...barely getting a "jog" in...looking like they're trying to work out...but suffering from the pain.

And barely moving.

Gotta wonder what's in their head....

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